rank | Nickname | put() | contains() | range() | nearest() |
1 | 자유 진리 정의 | 1239706 |
1101390 |
307641 |
343375 |
2 | Montreal | 708075 |
1345306 |
344542 |
322343 |
3 | hopping | 583182 |
1018562 |
358677 |
335720 |
4 | Consecutive Normal Submissions | 583241 |
1049233 |
356354 |
318820 |
5 | Tim the Beaver | 1065561 |
960695 |
249496 |
401825 |
6 | unoptimized | 898903 |
1130403 |
323529 |
311090 |
7 | Killerini | 579145 |
982944 |
351215 |
309377 |
8 | P=NP | 1215935 |
883144 |
303141 |
305441 |
9 | 0.7 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.9 0.6 | 525132 |
1019445 |
345776 |
278256 |
10 | Wendell Bae | 1229768 |
894816 |
287138 |
285367 |
11 | AviJen | 439199 |
885793 |
287750 |
327589 |
12 | treelina | 1124807 |
1008845 |
294088 |
254628 |
13 | let’s see how this goes | 1153633 |
1201245 |
299351 |
229423 |
14 | this is a test | 564498 |
993977 |
366667 |
181429 |
15 | NoExtraOptimization | 552838 |
894506 |
302288 |
240310 |
16 | gasolina | 614763 |
844282 |
308432 |
232181 |
17 | welcomebear333 | 652221 |
799356 |
232962 |
312024 |
18 | xD on the midterm | 948230 |
1230299 |
229599 |
258624 |
19 | alas | 467367 |
794175 |
222362 |
332709 |
20 | PUB + PPE = the biggest crossover in history | 963471 |
858590 |
247290 |
259098 |
21 | Krusty Krab (Your Program) : Chum Bucket (Our Program) | 884634 |
1028627 |
243757 |
255674 |
22 | quesadilla from late meal | 427343 |
800556 |
272022 |
276178 |
23 | idk | 615138 |
1027813 |
275159 |
240000 |
24 | 0/36 tests passed, it's the Princeton University Band! | 986895 |
1015121 |
249852 |
233790 |
25 | Sal | 475631 |
964841 |
235337 |
292907 |
799370 |
280885 |
242435 |
27 | strange | 713879 |
1054689 |
251304 |
234227 |
28 | IThoughtThisWasCalledKatyTree | 439284 |
773085 |
267283 |
259722 |
29 | the boys | 997671 |
985711 |
235275 |
223322 |
30 | Trust the Process | 447432 |
655613 |
273581 |
237289 |
31 | optimization disabled | 962907 |
1211929 |
229088 |
199955 |
32 | Princeton Chess Team | 473877 |
685313 |
285423 |
212764 |
33 | zedmain | 760367 |
786619 |
231350 |
224022 |
34 | Klausen | 424885 |
635104 |
243991 |
244568 |
35 | bread | 900817 |
671752 |
224556 |
222132 |
36 | Yea wut | 399382 |
692682 |
262492 |
219374 |
37 | r | 813196 |
732007 |
207674 |
213624 |
38 | ? | 925350 |
1022019 |
201444 |
175596 |
39 | this wasn't fun | 353947 |
660556 |
255707 |
185872 |
40 | Support Princeton Fencing | 740351 |
820917 |
200242 |
198921 |
41 | Optimized Prime AKA Bamboozler.c Actually... I coded th | 425012 |
646285 |
239881 |
187174 |
42 | "KD-Tree" more like "Snake-Tree" amiright | 434589 |
671611 |
245196 |
176699 |
43 | {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1504\cocoasubrtf830 {\f | 745611 |
774241 |
193940 |
193875 |
44 | {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1561\cocoasubrtf100 {\f | 795050 |
826235 |
185420 |
192190 |
45 | {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1504\cocoasubrtf830 {\f | 456616 |
656805 |
210539 |
200779 |
46 | hello | 745450 |
633914 |
197464 |
182675 |
47 | 最近不好 | 608647 |
424106 |
186053 |
215804 |
48 | speedcoder | 717516 |
757154 |
191731 |
174559 |
49 | hi | 577259 |
637835 |
198213 |
184265 |
50 | Toronto | 667502 |
654892 |
191019 |
177897 |
51 | - the entire soc department | 738495 |
589826 |
187930 |
177842 |
52 | manietic | 872264 |
911716 |
164576 |
160684 |
53 | Chag Sameach | 711171 |
651302 |
174247 |
169166 |
54 | Ani Gever Al | 643476 |
602330 |
163577 |
183909 |
55 | i went to princeton med | 664199 |
703598 |
173076 |
154275 |
56 | hatbox | 611752 |
587905 |
178483 |
156053 |
57 | Ignorance is strength | 423547 |
699043 |
138895 |
155071 |
58 | i messed up | 536463 |
751664 |
39966 |
215708 |
59 | ❤ ☀ ☆ ☂ ☻ ♞ ☯ 💩 | 389538 |
380931 |
121525 |
119917 |