rank | nickname | distance() + sca() calls per second |
1 | that lebanese guy | 249773 |
2 | Hu | 221083 |
3 | Appel's Artichokes | 165242 |
4 | Princeton Pianists Ensemble: Wanderlust Sat 8pm | 145407 |
5 | x | 143186 |
6 | az | 142986 |
7 | EL | 139490 |
8 | EVIL DADE | 138209 |
9 | kmarx | 136959 |
10 | WeTakeItEasy | 132687 |
11 | mr.bean | 132012 |
12 | ClockworkCaptains | 127463 |
13 | here for the free checks | 126184 |
14 | spongebob | 124335 |
15 | snakeage | 122505 |
16 | splendinni | 121974 |
17 | jmw | 121060 |
18 | Kat is a rock Daniel is a sock | 120769 |
19 | YoungSavage | 118587 |
20 | St. iGNUcius | 116641 |
21 | Ampharos | 114494 |
22 | woof daddy | 114013 |
23 | ( T.T ) ( T.T ) | 111713 |
24 | Colder Weather | 110890 |
25 | TOAD PRESIDENTS ==> (-(-_(-_-)_-)-) | 109653 |
26 | FROG PRESIDENTS ==> (-(-_(-_-)_-)-) | 109650 |
27 | ignoramuses | 107798 |
28 | swag | 107727 |
29 | Automorphic Form | 107388 |
30 | sunny | 105234 |
31 | late 10 the party | 105080 |
32 | Fine | 104301 |
33 | JAYZ | 103228 |
34 | snek | 102792 |
35 | L | 101390 |
36 | Idon'tknowwhatI'mdoing | 101192 |
37 | Cape Cod Coders | 101184 |
38 | Cape Cod Coders | 101023 |
39 | The Big Guna Kahuna | 100631 |
40 | forbes sunday brunch | 99758 |
41 | o boy | 99473 |
42 | phantom | 98886 |
43 | turn this into a W | 98072 |
44 | Donkey Kong | 98057 |
45 | ISuckAtThis | 98000 |
46 | Princeton Pianists Ensemble: Wanderlust Sat 8pm | 96952 |
47 | JDS 4 LYFE | 96565 |
48 | Theman | 95489 |
49 | The bodies are buried under the | 93718 |
50 | so_azam | 92353 |
51 | Night.0_Owl | 92056 |
52 | LMFTW | 91890 |
53 | Terrace | 89713 |
54 | Lewis | 89455 |
55 | 888 | 89380 |
56 | leaderboard | 89034 |
57 | squirrels | 88766 |
58 | Firestone | 87994 |
59 | JeremyLumbrooso | 86959 |
60 | 888x2 | 86774 |
61 | let's play RuneScape | 84647 |
62 | Bob Sedgewick | 83378 |
63 | cicada | 81903 |
64 | Down on Tree: Jeremie ft. 50 Cent | 81170 |
65 | test | 80883 |
66 | Mary Poppins | 79992 |
67 | goforit | 77138 |
68 | late 10 the party | 72510 |
69 | meow | 68526 |
70 | Dr(s). Java | 66659 |
71 | Donald Trump | 59188 |
72 | wilcox wilcox yay | 57145 |
73 | qa | 54560 |
74 | {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1504\cocoasubrtf820 {\f | 45121 |
75 | salad | 39491 |
76 | salad | 25011 |
77 | {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1504\cocoasubrtf820 {\f | 14487 |
78 | Princeton Pianists Ensemble: Wanderlust Sat 4/15 8pm Ri | 10037 |
79 | {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1504\cocoasubrtf810 {\f | 2385 |
80 | Hi | 1140 |
81 | chouetteBuds | 933 |
82 | WuCox Chicken Daddy aye lmao | 845 |
83 | whoops! | 813 |
84 | scrambler | 731 |
86 | MA | 452 |
87 | Too good ayayayay | 298 |
88 | Why_optimize_when_you_can_brute_force? | 186 |
89 | talk pigeon | 150 |
90 | not not late | 83 |
91 | extra credit | 82 |
92 | magicCorgi | 75 |
93 | attempt | 74 |
94 | the KarDhashiTREES | 74 |
95 | testrun_testrun | 70 |
96 | ayy lmao | 58 |
97 | GOLOGAN | 54 |
98 | {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1504\cocoasubrtf810 {\f | 52 |
99 | hahaha | 52 |
100 | gregallagher | 42 |