Write two versions of the Fibonacci function in MIPS assembly language and run them in Spim. The recursive Fibonacci function is,
fibrec ( n ) = if n<2 then r=1 else (d=fibrec(n-2); e=fibrec(n-1); r=d+e); return r
The iterative Fibonnacci function is, fibiter ( n ) = a=1; b=1; while (n!=0) do (n=n-1; c=a; a=b; b=c+b); return a;
- Read Larus's introduction to MIPS and SPIM (which is Appendix A of Patterson & Hennessy's Computer Organization and Design).
Note the following two mistakes in the document: on page A-23, the marginal notes on caller/callee-saved registers are the wrong way around. (The descriptions in the full text are correct). On page A-64, the order of arguments of the Jalr instruction is incorrect; the Spim simulator is correct: the first argument is the return-address register; the second argument is the address of the function being called.
- Download the SPIM simulator appropriate for your OS from here, install it, and familarize yourself with it; additional documentation is available here.
- Unpack as5.zip. The files errormsg.sml, table.sig, table.sml, symbol.sml are exactly as in previous assignments.
- Modify the file fib.s by adding definitions for the _fibrec and _fibiter functions, as follows:
- _fibrec should allocate 3 words of stack space, then save $ra and one callee-save register into the stack frame. The callee-save register should be used to hold the variable n, so it doesn't need to be saved and restored across the recursive call. The variable d should be kept in a caller-save register, and saved/restored just before/after the call to fibrec(n-1). (This is suboptimal; in this case it would be optimal to use caller-save registers only, but do it the suboptimal way just to learn how everything works.)
- _fibiter should not touch the stack pointer at all, because it can use caller-save registers for all its local variables
- Do not use the frame pointer at all; you don't need it.
- Use Spim to run your fib.s. The result should be,
3 3
- Read and understand mips.sig and mips.sml. Note particularly that Mips.RegSet is an instantiation of the ORD_SET module from the SML/NJ Library; see this page for reference.
- Compile fibx.sml (by the usual CM.make "sources.cm";) and run Fibx.go(); This generates a file fibx.s, which is similar to fib.s.
- Write the function bodies in fibx.sml for emit_fibrec_func and emit_fibiter_func in a style similar to emit_main_func.
- Make sure that your generated fibx.s works correctly in Spim.
- Submit README, fib.s, and fibx.sml to dropbox here. There may not be much to say in the README besides the usual "who I discussed this with, who I helped, who I got help from."