rank | nickname | distance() + sca() calls per second |
1 | Tarjan using hollow heaps | 999999999999999999 |
2 | Tarjan using hollow heaps | 999999999999999999 |
3 | Bobby Sledge | 426902 |
4 | Tarjan using hollow heaps | 342187 |
5 | Why yes, I AM an ontologist! | 241367 |
6 | lxhfirenking | 227966 |
7 | earlybirds | 219662 |
8 | v587 | 205695 |
9 | fireeye | 192674 |
10 | macdaddy | 180467 |
11 | lebron | 176160 |
12 | kobe | 174155 |
13 | blank | 169665 |
14 | ronby | 165108 |
15 | Tarjan using hollow heaps | 161785 |
16 | npai | 146685 |
17 | winner | 142180 |
18 | quadisthebest | 135001 |
19 | it g ma | 134800 |
20 | mmp | 133949 |
21 | v587 | 130124 |
22 | q | 129531 |
23 | WhoAmI | 116815 |
24 | nafets | 114836 |
25 | Why yes, I AM an anthologist! | 113574 |
26 | pc | 111563 |
27 | Pickle | 111558 |
28 | {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1344\cocoasubrtf720 {\f | 111461 |
29 | getrect | 110969 |
30 | bananapancakes | 110643 |
31 | bball | 108483 |
32 | 3.14159 | 107362 |
33 | late | 105760 |
34 | kimchiman | 105720 |
35 | Alexander Lee | 104466 |
36 | kimchiman | 104155 |
37 | meow | 102311 |
38 | data | 100602 |
39 | DISKSPACE | 100504 |
40 | boid327 | 99038 |
41 | boris | 96442 |
42 | cal | 96171 |
43 | aerrow | 95126 |
44 | Shrekt | 91797 |
45 | graphpaper | 88193 |
46 | readme | 87942 |
47 | onlyatest | 87873 |
48 | readme | 87477 |
49 | Duang | 85866 |
50 | JPA648 | 85567 |
51 | helloworld | 84916 |
52 | tim | 84841 |
53 | SealTeam6 | 84380 |
54 | Wisconsin For The Win | 83714 |
55 | KittenSpree | 83014 |
56 | Papa | 82883 |
57 | SHHK | 82305 |
58 | The Hippogriff Wrangler | 81056 |
59 | creativenickname | 78805 |
60 | rae sremmurd | 77072 |
61 | op.gg | 76712 |
62 | COS lab TAs are bae <3 | 76288 |
63 | test | 71575 |
64 | sherlockandwatson | 71068 |
65 | WhiteRabbits | 68287 |
66 | Hi mum | 67891 |
67 | danli | 67399 |
68 | BertBreaker | 67144 |
69 | betatester | 64844 |
70 | Tarjan using hollow heaps | 63015 |
71 | I LOVE GIRAFFES | 58940 |
72 | ndawg | 58198 |
73 | sup | 54140 |
74 | wonbin | 53998 |
75 | stoneman | 49566 |
76 | The Differntials | 44076 |
77 | Mr.President | 41983 |
78 | BingBing | 40847 |
79 | Tarjan using hollow heaps | 9054 |
80 | PUCStdOut | 5341 |
81 | andromedon | 5195 |
82 | Mu-Tang Clan | 5107 |
83 | huckmemaybe | 3009 |
84 | enigma | 2245 |
85 | Tarjan using hollow heaps | 1689 |
86 | TheDAG | 228 |
87 | Malaka | 136 |
88 | applesauce | 116 |
89 | Tarjan using hollow heaps | 85 |
90 | Tortoise Tier | 83 |
91 | moskarski | 83 |
92 | pineapples | 76 |
93 | creative name | 75 |
94 | At The Buzzer | 70 |
95 | forfunsies | 60 |
96 | setting the curve | 59 |
97 | abbyg | 37 |