COS 226 Midterm Information, Spring 2015
Time and location:
- The midterm is during lecture on Wednesday, March 11 from 11-12:20pm.
- The midterm room is either McCosh 10 or McDonnell A02, depending on your precept date.
- Friday Precepts: McCosh 10.
- Thursday Precepts: McDonnell A02.
Failure to go to the right room can result in a serious deduction on the exam.
There will be no makeup exams except under extraordinary circumstances
(such as a medical emergency) and with the support of a Dean.
In-class exams are governed by the Undergraduate Honor System.
- Closed book, closed note.
- You may bring one 8.5-by-11 sheet (one side) with notes in your own
handwriting to the exam.
- Computers, calculators, and electronic communication devices are forbidden.
Headphones attached to audio devices are also prohibited.
- Sit one one seat apart from other students and avoid sitting near
students with whom you've studied.
Office Hours/help sessions
- Friday March 6, 5:00-8:30pm. design help Session in Friend 004.
- Sunday March 8, 2:00-4:00pm. Ryan Beckett in CS 207.
- Monday March 9, 1:30-3:30pm. Kevin Wayne in CS 207.
- Monday March 9, 4:00-6:00pm. Josh Wetzel in Icahn 253.
- Tuesday March 10, 4:30-6:30pm. Review Session in Friend 101.
- Tuesday March 10, 6:30-8:30pm. Robert MacDavid in CS 302.
Design Problem Solving Session
We will be hosting an optional problem-solving session from
4:30-7:30pm on Friday, March 6 in Friend 004.
We will discuss general strategies for handling design questions.
We will also discuss specific design questions from past exams and
entertain questions from students.
You are welcome to come and go, as your schedule permits.
download handout
Midterm Review Session
We will have an optional midterm review session from 4:30-6:30pm on Tuesday, March 10
in Friend 101.
A session to review basic ideas from the course.
We will present a summary of the material, discuss problem-solving strategies,
and solve some old exam problems.
We are also happy to answer specific questions that you have.
You are welcome to come and go, as your schedule permits.
download handout
annotated handout
Material covered:
- Algorithms, 4th edition, Sections 1.3–1.5, Chapter 2, and Chapter 3.
- Lectures 1–10.
- Programming assignments 1–4.
Algorithms and data structures emphasized in this course:
quick-find |
quick-union |
weighted quick-union |
resizing arrays |
linked lists |
stacks and queues |
insertion sort |
selection sort |
Knuth shuffle |
mergesort |
bottom-up mergesort |
quicksort |
3-way quicksort |
binary heaps |
heapsort |
sequential search |
binary search |
binary search trees |
2-3 trees |
left-leaning red-black BSTs |
separate chaining |
linear probing |
A good way to practice for the midterm is to solve problems from
old exams.