Can I read the synset or hypernym file twice? No, file I/O is very expensive so please read each file only once and store it in an appropriate data structure.
Any advice on how to read in and parse the synset and hypernym data files? Use the readLine() method in our In library to read in the data one line at a time. Use the split() method in Java's String library to divide a line into fields. You can find an example using split() in Domain.java. Use Integer.parseInt() to convert string id numbers into integers.
It takes a very long time to read in the input files in DrJava. What should I do? Use the command line. DrJava incurs substantial overhead with input and output.
Which data structure(s) should I use to store the synsets, synset ids, and hypernyms? This part of the assignment is up to you. You must carefully select data structures to achieve the specified performance requirements.
Do I need to store the glosses? No, you won't use them on this assignment.
Can I use my own Digraph class? No, it must have the same API as our Digraph.java class; otherwise, you are changing the API to the ShorestCommonAncestor constructor (which takes a Digraph argument). Do not submit Digraph.java.
Should I reimplement breadth-first search in my ShortestCommonAncestor class? In the beginning, you should call the relevant methods in BreadthFirstDirectedPaths.java. However, to implement the additional performance requirement, you will need to implement your own version, perhaps in a helper class named DeluxeBFS.java.
I understand how to compute the length(int v, int w) method in time proportional to E + V in the worst case but my length(Iterable<Integer> v, Iterable<Integer> w) method takes time proportional to a × b × (E + V), where a and b are the sizes of the two iterables. How can I improve it to be proportional to E + V? The key is use a multi-source version of breadth-first search, as in the the constructor in BreadthFirstDirectedPaths that accepts an iterable of sources as an argument (instead of a single source).
For the "additional performane requirements," do length() and ancestor() need to take time proportional to to the number of vertices and edges reachable from the argument vertices in the worst case? Or can I use hashing? You can make standard technical assumptions (such as the uniform hashing assumption). If you do so, state any assumptions that you make in your readme.txt file.
Is a vertex considered an ancestor of itself? Yes.
What is the root synset for the WordNet DAG?
38003,entity,that which is perceived or known or inferred to have its own distinct existence (living or nonliving)
Can a noun appear in more than one synset? Absolutely. It will appear once for each meaning that the noun has. For example, here are all of the entries in synsets.txt that include the noun word.
35532,discussion give-and-take word,an exchange of views on some topic; "we had a good discussion"; "we had a word or two about it" 56587,news intelligence tidings word,new information about specific and timely events; "they awaited news of the outcome" 59267,parole word word_of_honor,a promise; "he gave his word" 59465,password watchword word parole countersign,a secret word or phrase known only to a restricted group; "he forgot the password" 81575,word,a string of bits stored in computer memory; "large computers use words up to 64 bits long" 81576,word,a verbal command for action; "when I give the word, charge!" 81577,word,a brief statement; "he didn't say a word about it" 81578,word,a unit of language that native speakers can identify; "words are the blocks from which sentences are made"; "he hardly said ten words all morning"
Can a synset consist of exactly one noun? Yes. Moreover, there can be several different synsets that consist of the same noun.
62,Aberdeen,a town in western Washington 63,Aberdeen,a town in northeastern South Dakota 64,Aberdeen,a town in northeastern Maryland 65,Aberdeen,a city in northeastern Scotland on the North Sea
I'm an ontologist and I noticed that your hypernyms.txt file contains both is-a and is-instance-of relationships. Yes, you caught us. This ensures that every noun (except entity) has a hypernym. Here is an article on the subtle distinction.
How can I make the data type ShortestCommonAncestor immutable? You can (and should) save the associated digraph in an instance variable. However, because our Digraph data type is mutable, you must first make a defensive copy by calling the copy constructor.
What should sca(), ancestor(), or outcast() return if is there is a tie for the shortest common ancestor or outcast? The API does not specify, so you are free to return any such ancestor or outcast.
Do I need to throw exceptions explicitly with a throw statement? No, it's fine if they are thrown implicitly, e.g., you can rely on any method in Digraph.java to throw a java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException if passed a vertex argument outside of the prescribed range. A good API documents the requisite behavior for all possible arguments, but you should not need much extra code to deal with these corner cases.
Some examples. Here are some interesting examples that you can use in your code.
The shortest common ancestor of worm and bird is "animal animate_being beast brute creature fauna" with a distance of 5. Other common ancestors of worm and bird with longer distances are: "person individual someone somebody mortal soul" and "instrumentality instrumentation". The synsets that contain worm are:
81679 worm 81680 worm 81681 worm 81682 worm louse insect dirt_ball
The synsets that contain bird are:
24306 bird 24307 bird fowl 25293 boo hoot Bronx_cheer hiss raspberry razzing razz snort bird 33764 dame doll wench skirt chick bird 70067 shuttlecock bird birdie shuttle
municipality -> administrative_district -> district -> region municipality -> populated_area -> geographic_area -> region
individual -> organism being -> living_thing animate_thing -> whole unit -> object physical_object -> physical_entity person individual someone somebody mortal soul -> causal_agent cause causal_agency -> physical_entity edible_fruit -> garden_truck -> food solid_food -> solid -> matter -> physical_entity edible_fruit -> fruit -> reproductive_structure -> plant_organ -> plant_part -> natural_object -> unit -> object -> physical_entity
(distance = 23) white_marlin, mileage (distance = 33) Black_Plague, black_marlin (distance = 27) American_water_spaniel, histology (distance = 29) Brown_Swiss, barrel_roll
Ambrose Saint_Ambrose St._Ambrose
Implement the remaining WordNet methods.
Implement Outcast. This should be relatively straightforward by calling the appropriate methods from the WordNet data type.