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/****************************************************************************** * Donna Gabai, dgabai, P01 * Fall 12 practice programming exam 4 * * Calendar class for constructing a symbol table of Days and Events. * Dependencies: Event, Day, ST, StdOut ***********************************************************************/ public class Calendar { // instance variable: symbol table for the day's events // key Integer for the date yyyymmdd // value Day is linked list of Events private ST<Integer, Day> st; // empty constructor public Calendar() { st = new ST<Integer, Day>(); // no appointments yet } // schedule an Event on this Date public void schedule(int date, Event ev) { // Is this date on the calendar? if (!st.contains(date)) { // new entry Day d = new Day(); d.addEvent(ev); st.put(date, d); return; } // date already on st Day d = st.get(date); d.addEvent(ev); st.put(date, d); } // print all dates and their events public void show() { for(Integer date: st) { StdOut.println(date); st.get(date).show(); StdOut.println(); } } // test main for Calendar public static void main(String[] args) { // set up some events Event ev1 = new Event(1000, 1050, "COS126 exam"); Event ev2 = new Event(1930, 2100, "COS126 programming exam"); Event ev3 = new Event(1200, 1300, "lunch with Bob"); Event ev4 = new Event(1000, 1050, "COS126 lecture"); Event ev5 = new Event(1230, 1320, "COS126 precept"); // set up some dates int d1 = 20120501; int d2 = 20120503; Calendar c = new Calendar(); c.schedule(d1, ev2); c.schedule(d1, ev1); c.schedule(d2, ev3); c.schedule(d2, ev4); c.schedule(d2, ev5); // Output the events for each date; } }