COS 126 Exam 2 Information, Spring 2013


There will be a Q+A session Sunday night, April 28, 7:30 pm, Friend 101.

Written exam rules.

Written exam rooms.

Programming exam rules.

Programming exam rooms.

Material covered.

The exam will cover all material in the course, but with an emphasis on the second half of the course (i.e., the material since the first exam):

The written part of the exam (in lecture) covers all of the above. It will be multiple-choice or short answer questions on the important material. The best way to prepare for this part of the exam is to read the book and the on-line packets, study the lecture notes, and practice taking old exams. (See Old Exams section below.)

The Monday evening part of the exam is strictly about programming. You will be asked to write a program from scratch (a mini programming assignment). Given the time limitation, this program will not be conceptually difficult, just a test of your ability to write a program that solves a simple problem. The best way to prepare for this part of the exam is to program: Work a few of the exercises in the book and on the booksite that call for writing small programs.

List of topics.

This list is a summary of the main topics on the exam, for your use as a checklist when studying. Do you understand the basic ideas behind each of these topics? Do you know the names and contributions of the major players? If not, reread the appropriate sections in the book and lecture slides.

Updated April 25, 2013.