The elevator speech description goes here.
How to access or create a running version of your system. If your system is web-based, this should be a URL. If your system is stand-alone on some public or private machine, we need to be able to access it on that machine. If your system is a phone application, this should reference an installable version. Don't forget passwords, including administrative access, if we will need them.
Who to contact in case something goes wrong.
Your project's web page or home page or the like: the place to find all public information about your project. This may be the same link as the "how to access a running version" page.
your presentation slides, etc., if you used them. Please submit these as PDF or as a web page, not Powerpoint.
Clarification: make sure these links point to either HTML or PDF files with names like internals.html or internals.pdf. My goal here is to have the submissions be uniform at this level so the TAs and I can access the pieces easily. Thanks.