COS 333 Projects (Spring 2012)

Tue Mar 27 06:31:53 EDT 2012

As always, this is an interesting and eclectic bunch of projects; it's going to be fun to see them come together.

These are the projects, in random order. If there's a catchy name I've used that, and otherwise summarized the content. Member names in each group are in alphabetical order, and the project manager is marked with an asterisk. If I got anything wrong, please let me know.

I have included a very brief summary for each project, basically no more than a sentence, so that everyone can see what everyone else is doing. This has been mostly lifted from your design document, since I think it will be helpful if people can share whatever they learn. Feel free to discuss all aspects of projects with anyone, and to help each other out, especially if you discover something useful or figure out how to do something -- everyone benefits. I'll upgrade this list as we go along, especially if people give me more info, like url's. In particular, if the link on this page to your project page doesn't work, please make sure that is readable.

You should contact your assigned TA to work out a schedule for weekly meetings, which begin the week after break. More information on how to get the most out of these meetings can be found here, which you should read now.

The TAs are Stephen Beard (sbeard), Chris Monsanto (cmmonsan), Srinivas Narayana (narayana), Taewook Oh (twoh), Gordon Stewart (jsseven) and Yida Wang (yidawang).

  1. PrinceTron
    Tron LightCycles game for Android phone
    Mike Franklin, Andy Kaier*, Peter Maag, Kashif Smith

  2. Buy Back Your Vote
    web and phone app for finding corporate political contributions
    Tim Bauman*, Matt Dolan, Margaret Fortney, Chris Kelly, Nathan Keyes

  3. Princeton Ask
    ask and answer Princeton questions
    Drew Boik, Brian Huang, Mars Jullian, Gal Oshri*, Kai Sheng Tai

  4. PAL: Princeton Academic Linker
    uniform access to Blackboard and other academic web sites
    Masha Okounkova, Prerna Ramachandra, Wenley Tong*

  5. Princeton Campus Heat Map
    iPhone app for displaying aggregate locations of students
    Leonardo Stedile, Spencer Tank, Tiantian Zha*

  6. Settle
    Web-based version of Settlers of Catan
    Dave Capra, Rafi Romero, Chris Triolo*

  7. TigerChat
    web-based chap app focused on Princeton
    Santhosh Balasubramanian*, Rohan Bansal, Vyas Ramasubramani

  8. MeetPlanner
    web system for planning swim meets and similar athletic events
    Andrew Callahan, Peter Grabowski*, Michael Newman, Stevie Vines

  9. Skinner's Typewriter
    iPad application for rapid creation of draft written material
    Mario Alvarez, Bonnie Eisenman, Evan Leichter, Phil Rosen

  10. Sail Scorer
    web-based yacht race scoring system
    Catie Bartlett*, Gene Merewether, Andrew Werner

  11. COS 226 submission
    enhanced electronic submission mechanism for COS 226 exercises
    Colleen Carroll, Andrew Morrison, Richard Price, Peter Thorpe*, Kyle Wass

  12. Shift Coordinator
    web app for coordinating schedules and preferences of shift workers
    Vincent Castaneda, Phil Miller*, Alan Thorne

  13. Rendezvous
    iOS platform for location awareness
    Dan Kang*, Harvest Zhang, Raymond Zhong

  14. SAGE
    Smarter academic graph explorer for navigating academic papers
    Lehman Garrison, Brenda Hiller, Connie Wan, Edward Zhang*

  15. iStreet for iOS
    iPhone app for promoting Street events, connecting with friends, etc.
    Alexa Krakaris*, Akarshan Kumar, Rishi Narang

  16. Student Room Guide
    new and improved version of the existing Room Guide
    Willa Chen, Josh Giles*, Lily Healey, Kevin Mantel, John O'Neill

  17. BeneTag
    QR tags for socially conscious consumers
    Zeerak Ahmed, Mandy Coston, Richard She, Shreshth Singhal, Faaez Ul Haq*

  18. InstaMeet
    iPhone app for small-group invitations
    Pietro Rea Maravi*, Alice Zheng

  19. Retirement Health Advisers
    Online recommendation engine for long-term health care policies
    Eeh Pyoung Rhee, Krithin Sitaram, Peter Yu*, Amy Zhou

  20. InControl
    Android app for self-control of procrastination
    Ilina Mitra*, Dexter Scobee, Angela Wei, Andy Zhu

  21. Route Ranker
    path tracking application for iPhone
    Samantha Anderson*, Eric Denovitzer, Nick Gilligan, Jon Lack, Mark Whelan

  22. OurTime
    web-based calendar and scheduler for social groups
    Alice Fuller, JT Glaze, Luke Massa, Adam Stasiw, Clayton Whetung*

  23. TimeInLine
    web system for providing info to customers on hold
    Zach Bintliff, Ed Kelley*, Craig Liebmann, John Urbanik

  24. Princeton Arcade
    Android platform for multi-player games
    Phil Cao*, Mark Ha, Avneesh Sarwate, Yangbo Xu, Xin Yang Yak

  25. MeetUp
    event scheduler with optimization
    Ashish Gupta, Greg Hyde*, William Song

  26. Project ABRAM
    integration of various Princeton online communities
    Alex Fish, Michael Lai*, Brian Matejek, Rob Sami, Anand Shah

  27. Spotify DJ
    automatic mixing of Spotify playlists
    Teodor Georgiev, Jose Mena*, Rodrigo Menezes, Kelly Weeks

  28. Terrace Social Network
    focused social network site for a single club
    Jeff Snyder*, Tarik Tosun, Peter Zakin

  29. PEBL: Princeton Electronic Borrowing Lending
    lending and borrowing system for games, books, etc.
    James Luo, Alexander Rilee, Eric Sum, Vinson Young*

  30. Discourse
    Wiki + collaborative editing for finding out campus info
    Austin Lopez, Allen Paltrow-Krulwich*, Eric Weiser

  31. POM: Pursuit of Mappyness
    interactive campus maps with events, faciliites, and other data feeds
    Nader Al-Naji, Josh Chen, Lawrence Diao, Ben Grange, John McSpedon*