Check the Blackboard site section "Course Materials" if a link to the material is not available here.
Week 1:
      - Flesh and Machines: How Robots Will Change Us, Rodney Brooks (2002) -- pp 12-21, pp 32-51. [NB: On p. 32, "1992" should in fact be "1982"]
      - Pseudocode reference Week 2:
      - Flesh and Machines: How Robots Will Change Us, Rodney Brooks (2002) -- pp 99-126
      - "Computer Recreations: The cellular automaton offers a model of the world and a world unto itself", Brian Hayes, Scientific American, March 1984 Week 3:
      - Markoff, J. (2011, February 16). Computer Wins on ‘Jeopardy!’: Trivial, It’s Not. New York Times. Retrieved from
      - Segal, D. (2011, February 12). The Dirty Little Secrets of Search New York Times. Retrieved from
Week 4:
      - "What is a Computation?", Martin Davis, Mathematics Today, Lynn Arthur Steen ed., Vintage Books (Random House), 1980 Week 5:
      - Sample Midterm from 2010
      - Sample Midterm from 2008
      - Mathematical Recreations: The Ultimate in Anty-Particles, Ian Stewart, Scientific American, July 1994
      - The Universal Computer: The Road from Leibniz to Turing, Martin Davis (2000) -- p ? [Boole's version of Clarke's proof of the existence of God] Week 6:
      - Worthington, L. Boolean Logic Worthington Biochem. Retrieved from Week 7:
      - None Week 8:
      - "Computer Recreations: On the finite-state machine, a minimal model of mousetraps, ribosomes, and the human soul", Brian Hayes, Scientific American, December 1983 Week 9:
      - Worthington, L. Sequential Circuits Worthington Biochem. Retrieved from
      - "Building Computer Circuits", G. Michael Schneider & Judith Gersting, Invitation to Computer Science, Fourth Edition: C++ Version, Course Technology; 4 edition (February 3, 2006) Week 10:
      - None Week 11:
      - Evan, R., "The Zombie Hunters" [here]. Retrieved from
      - Bruce S., "The Storm Worm" [here]. Retrieved from
      - Gordon M., "Cramming more components onto integrated circuits" [here]. Retrieved from
      - Bing G., "The End of Moore's Law: A Love Story" [here]. Retrieved from
      - (Supplementary) William B., "Israeli Test on Worm Called Crucial in Iran Nuclear Delay" [here]. Retrieved from
      - (Supplementary) Wikipedia, "Storm botnet" [here]. Retrieved from Week 12:
      - "Is the Brain's Mind a Computer Program", John R. Searle [blackboard]
      - "A Guided Tour through Searle's Paper" [blackboard]
      - "Turing's Test, Brian Hayes" [blackboard]
      - (Part 2)
What is Artificial Intelligence? (Jack Copeland)
      - (Part 3)
What is Artificial Intelligence? (Jack Copeland)
      - (Part 13)
What is Artificial Intelligence? (Jack Copeland)
      - (Part 14)
What is Artificial Intelligence? (Jack Copeland)
      - Sample Lab Review Qs
      - COS116 Final Review Slides:pdf/pptx