====== 1 - Interacting with data ====== February 2nd, 2010. === Slides === [[cos424>slides/1-intro.pdf|PDF (4232KB)]] [[cos424>slides/1-intro.djvu|DJVU (2336KB)]]. === Scribe notes === n/a. === Summary === * Three short stories. * General information about the course. === Readings === * (optional) //[[http://johnsnow.matrix.msu.edu/work.php?id=15-78-52| "On the mode of communication of Cholera"]]// (John Snow, 1854) * (optional) //[[cos424>papers/Freedman1999.pdf|"From association to causation: some remarks on the history of statistics"]]// (John Freedman) === Links === * The [[http://www.nada.kth.se/~fred/tycho/index.html|"home page" of Tycho Brahe]]. * About the discovery [[http://galileoandeinstein.physics.virginia.edu/1995/lectures/morekepl.html|of Kepler's first and second law]]. * The [[http://johnsnow.matrix.msu.edu/|John Snow archive]]. * The site of the [[http://atlas.ch|Atlas experiment]].