Princeton University |
Computer Science 598D |
The course will be run as a reading group rather than a lecture class.
Thursdays 1:30-4:20, CS Building, room 401.
Rob Schapire: 407 CS Building,
x8-7726, schapire@cs
Office hours: appointments can be made by visiting (send me email if no
convenient slots are available).
COS 402 or 424 or 511, or permission of instructor.
No undergraduates, and no auditors or casual listeners.
Boosting: Foundations and Algorithms
by Robert E. Schapire and Yoav Freund
to be published by MIT Press
Draft chapters from this book will be made available on blackboard (click on "course materials" then "readings"). You must be registered for the course to access these. Because these are preliminary drafts, I am asking that you please not distribute them at all without my permission, and that you not keep an electronic copy on any computer, or place them where others can access them.
Note that the book is still incomplete in many regards.
The class is mandatory P/D/F. To get a passing grade (P), students are expected to do all readings, attend class regularly, and participate in discussions or otherwise provide feedback on what was read. Students are also expected to lead discussions occasionally.
Once registered, you can send email to the entire class using blackboard (click on "communications" then "send email"), or you can send email directly to COS598D_S2009@ from your oit email account.