Princeton University
Computer Science Department

Computer Science 511
Foundations of Machine Learning

Rob Schapire

Spring 2006


General Information | Schedule & Readings | Assignments | Final Project





Graded by


Wednesday, February 8




Thursday, February 23

PAC learning (hint on 3a)



Thursday, March 2

Sample size bounds and VC dimension (hint on 1b and 2)



Thursday, March 9

 Learning models & Chernoff (hint on 1a and 2b)



Thursday, March 16

Boosting (hint on 3)



Tuesday, April 4

Final project proposal only



Thursday, April 6

 SVM's and On-line Learning (hint on 3a)



Tuesday, April 18

Winnow and Widrow-Hoff



Tuesday, May 16

Final project final report


Here are statistics for the homeworks that have been graded so far.

Turning in assignments

All work should be turned in at the end of class, or submitted to me in my office, or put in the envelope by my door if I'm not around.  If you need to turn in an assignment after hours when the upper floors of the CS building are locked, you can instead submit your homework in the envelope outside room 001C in the basement of the CS building.

Please submit hard copy only.

Late policy

All assignments are due at 11:59pm on the due date.

Each student will be allotted seven free days which can be used to turn in homework assignments late without penalty.  For instance, you might choose to turn in HW#1 two days late, HW#4  three days late and HW#6 two days late.  Once your free days are used up, late homeworks will be penalized 20% per day.  (For instance, a homework turned in two days late will receive only 60% credit.)  Homeworks will not be accepted more than five days past the deadline, whether or not free days are being used.  Exceptions to these rules will of course be made for serious illness or other emergency circumstances; in these cases, please contact me as soon as you are aware of the problem.

A weekend, that is, Saturday and Sunday together, count as a single late "day".  For instance, a homework that is due on Thursday but turned in on Sunday would be considered two days late, rather than three.

If you are turning in a late homework after hours when no one is around to accept it, please indicate at the top that it is late, and clearly mark the day and time when it was turned in.  Failure to do so may result in me considering the homework to be submitted at the time when I pick it up (which might be many hours, or even a day or two after when you actually submitted it).


Collaboration on the problem sets is encouraged in this course, subject to the following guidelines: