COS 226 Homework #5
Due: Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Written Exercises
Follow the instructions on the assignments
page on how and when to turn these in. Point values of each problem are
shown in brackets. Be sure to also complete the programming part
of this assignment, including the program report.
- [4] Draw the R-way existence trie that results when you insert the
following keys into an initially empty trie. Use the alphabet of ten
digits (R = 10). Draw all of the null links. You may
assume that all keys are of the same length.
351 652 893 353 351
- [4] Draw the TST that results when you insert the following keys into an
initially empty trie. Draw all of the null links. You may assume
that all keys are of the same length.
351 652 893 353 351
- Consider source symbols drawn from the alphabet {a, b,
c, d, e, f, g}
with the following probabilities:
pa = 0.49
pb = 0.26
pc = 0.12
pd = 0.04
pe = 0.04
pf = 0.03
pg = 0.02
- [2] Compute the entropy of this distribution of symbols.
- [4] Find a Huffman code for this source, and compute
its average code length.
- [2] Use your Huffman code to encode the text: gaba.
- [4] Find a Shannon-Fano code for this source, and
compute its average code length.