Is it okay to output the same word more than once? Yes.
Will the word list contain duplicates? No.
Will each word in the word list appear in the puzzle? Not necessarily. Otherwise, the optimal solution would be to ignore the puzzle and just echo back each word in the word list!
Do I have to handle overlapping words? Definitely. For example, if the word noninterchangeability appears in the puzzle, then interchange, change, and ability should also be printed, assuming they appear in the word list.
Is it okay to use Java library functions for hashing, sorting, etc.? Yes, you can use anything provided as part of the standard Java platform.
How should I time my program? You should definitely redirect the output to a file; otherwise you might end up measuring the speed of your display terminal instead of your program!
How do I ask my operating system to give Java more memory? Execute with java -Xmx300m WordSearcher to request 300MB of memory.
What was the command to get profiling? Execute with java -Xprof WordSearcher.
How can I compare my results against the reference solutions since
they appear in different orders?
Sort them first. (Yes, another application of sorting!)
Unix users can automate the comparison process by using
sort, uniq, and diff. You only need uniq
if your program prints out duplicates. The following sequence of commands
should produce no output (assuming our program has no bugs).
% java WordSearcher < input.txt | sort | uniq > out1.txt
% puzzle226-sparc < input.txt | sort > out2.txt
% diff out1.txt out2.txt
What will a big input file look like? The biggest one available for download contains a 5000-by-5000 puzzle and over half a million words. This isn't grandma or grandpas little puzzle book. But, don't expect this one to be easy to solve.
Input and output.
Here is a
sample input file that appeared in an immunity challenge on
Survivor Africa! It happens that all words in the word list appear in the puzzle.
When you execute your program, you should get the following output:
% cat puzzle-survivor-africa15.txt
p d h y a o s t e m r o b k l
k s o l v x c t o e a g z k p
u w n l u d a i a s c h a k a
b t c e y k n m f n h p o g i
a e u k u b w a p d a a d y k
r p f c g d e t h t k t b c u
y o b g h a y w i s u r h a m
k n d o v u e a m a l i k o z
p a z h o r w n o i a u b m a
t e q i n l o a n e n l i p s
b y r u g v q r g w r k s u l
o l h i o w e s w e e o w l t
c w b r n d i a i n n x w h i
k n s u y j t s a d r i j v o
v f o r a h p a l o c n a e s
Note that the words you output need not be in alphabetical order, nor in the
order above.
However, it is essential that you print one word per line and that you don't
print out anything else, including the puzzle and original word list.
We plan to check your solutions by piping the output
through sort and uniq, and then using diff.
Here are some
more input files.
% java WordFinder < puzzle-survivor-africa15.txt
Reference solutions. For reference, we provide (heavily optimized) executable C code for our solution in Windows, Solaris, and OS X. We challenge you to develop a faster program! It is possible (ok, maybe impossible in Java) to beat our program, but it is also possible to get all of the credit even if your method is not as efficient. In any case, be sure that your program is correct. There is no point in optimizing a program that generates wrong answers.
We will compile your program with "javac WordSearcher.java", but, otherwise, you are free to organize your program as you see fit. As usual, we encourage sound design principles. Overly abstract and general interfaces are not needed, but the client-implementation-interface paradigm will likely be useful. The key to writing efficient programs is identifying which operations are critical, and choosing the right data structures to implement these operations.
As usual, you need to submit an electronic program report. Please answer all of the questions, and give a table of the CPU execution time for a sampling of the sample inputs that your program is able to process. Unix users may find the shell script timeit.csh useful.
Submit all your files (except the written exercises) using whiteboard, as usual.
Feel free to create and submit your own word search puzzles.