// CS461 Distributed Computing and Networking // Princeton University // Tammo Spalink, Andy Bavier // // Spring 2002, Revision 1 // #include "interface.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // // ------ For Debugging ------ // #define ASSERT(expression) { \ if (! (expression)) { \ fprintf(stderr, "ASSERTION (%s) FAILED in %s (%s:%d)\n", \ (#expression), __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); \ abort(); \ } \ } #define TRACE(fmt, msg...) { \ if (CS461Debug) { \ fprintf(stderr, "[%s]" fmt "\n" , __FUNCTION__, ##msg); \ } \ } static int catchError(int returnValue, int badValue, char *message) // Just a guard routine for making system calls { if (returnValue == badValue) { perror(message); exit(1); } return returnValue; } // // ------ Datatypes and Useful Defines ------ // #define CLOCK_INTERVAL_USECS 0 #define CLOCK_INTERVAL_SECS 5 #define IP_NETLINK_DEVICE "/dev/netlink" #define EXPORT #define FOREVER ;; typedef struct { __u32 length; // Effective deviceHdr + packet __u32 mark; // we do not use this char interface[IFNAMSIZ]; } CS461DeviceHeader; typedef struct { CS461DeviceHeader deviceHeader; struct iphdr header; __u8 body[65535 - sizeof(struct iphdr)]; } CS461PacketBuf; // // ------ Variables Static Global to Interface ------ // // Do or Don't print debug messages static int CS461Debug; // Process IDs of the Main (child) and IO Watcher Daemon (parent) static pid_t CS461Daemon; static pid_t CS461Child; // Frequency of clock ticks in milliseconds static unsigned long long CS461ClockPeriod; // Time at which the next clock tick should happen (in milliseconds) static unsigned long long CS461NextClockEvent; // The current "interrupt" state static CS461_InterruptState CS461InterruptState; // The callback to higher level code static void (* CS461RecvCallback)(void *); static void (* CS461ClockCallback)(void); // File Descriptor for the Firewall static int FirewallFD = -1; static int FirewallSocketFD = -1; // Main book-keeping datastructure for ipchains static struct ip_fw FirewallRule; // // ------ Functions Static Global to Interface ------ // static unsigned long long CS461GetTime(void) { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); return ((unsigned long long)(tv.tv_usec) / 1000) + ((unsigned long long)(tv.tv_sec) * 1000); } static void CS461TerminationHandler( int sig, siginfo_t *info, void *unknown) // This function is the signal handler for SIGCHLD and SIGINT. It // tries to cleanly shut down the system and remove the firewall // rule. { struct ip_fwchange deleteRecord; if (sig == SIGCHLD) { int status; catchError(waitpid(0, &status, 0), -1, "waitpid"); if (! WIFEXITED(status)) { if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) fprintf(stderr, "Fatal Program Error " "[signal: %d, status: %d]\n", WTERMSIG(status), WEXITSTATUS(status)); else fprintf(stderr, "Program Exited\n"); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Interrupted\n"); } TRACE("shutting down..."); deleteRecord.fwc_rule.ipfw = FirewallRule; strcpy(deleteRecord.fwc_rule.label, "DENY"); strcpy(deleteRecord.fwc_label, "input"); catchError(setsockopt(FirewallSocketFD, IPPROTO_IP, IP_FW_DELETE, (char *)(&deleteRecord), sizeof(deleteRecord)), -1, "delete firewall rule"); close(FirewallSocketFD); close(FirewallFD); TRACE("succeeded"); exit(info->si_status); } static void CS461RecvPacket( CS461PacketBuf *packet) // Wait for a packet to arrive. The packet will be written to // "packet", which must be already allocated. { for (FOREVER) { // Make sure we only get whole packets int readLen; TRACE("reading..."); packet->deviceHeader.length = 0; readLen = catchError(read(FirewallFD, packet, sizeof(CS461PacketBuf)), -1, "read"); ASSERT((packet->deviceHeader.length != 0) && (readLen != 0)); if (readLen != packet->deviceHeader.length) { fprintf(stderr, "CS461RecvPacket: only got %d of %d bytes of data\n", readLen, packet->deviceHeader.length); exit(1); } if (CS461Debug) { // Print some packet info struct in_addr addr; TRACE("--- new packet:"); TRACE("id: %u", ntohs(packet->header.id)); TRACE("prot: %u", (unsigned int) packet->header.protocol); addr.s_addr = packet->header.saddr; TRACE("src: %s", inet_ntoa(addr)); addr.s_addr = packet->header.daddr; TRACE("dest: %s", inet_ntoa(addr)); // IP header described in /usr/include/linux/ip.h TRACE("len: %u", ntohs(packet->header.tot_len)); TRACE("frgo: %u", ntohs(packet->header.frag_off & 0x1FFFF)); TRACE("--- succeeded"); } return; } } static void CS461PerformRecvCallback(void) // Should be called only when data is available for reading. This // will fetch the data and pass it to higher levels. This will do // nothing if the callback function is NULL. { CS461PacketBuf *packet; if (CS461RecvCallback == NULL) return; packet = malloc(sizeof(*packet)); catchError((int) packet, 0, "malloc for packet"); CS461RecvPacket(packet); TRACE("have data, performing callback"); CS461RecvCallback((void *)&(packet->header)); } static void CS461PerformClockCallback(void) // Should be called whenever the cock callback should be // attempted. Does nothing for NULL callback. { if (CS461ClockCallback == NULL) return; TRACE("clock tick, performing callback"); CS461ClockCallback(); } static void CS461EventHandler( int sig) // This function is the signal handler for SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2. // The parent (watcher daemon) process sends these signals when // data arrives or when a clock event happens, respectively. { TRACE("trying callback"); if (sig == SIGUSR1) CS461PerformRecvCallback(); else CS461PerformClockCallback(); // Tell the daemon that we are done and that it may continue // to monitor for new packet arrivals and clock events. TRACE("signaling watcher daemon to continue"); catchError(kill(CS461Daemon, SIGUSR1), -1, "signal to daemon"); // Re-establish this handler catchError((unsigned)signal(sig, CS461EventHandler), (unsigned)SIG_ERR, "CS461EventHandler setup"); } static void CS461WatcherDaemonHandler( int sig) // To avoid a race condition in send the child a signal and // recieving a response with something like select, this signal // handler deals with child responses. In fact, it does all of // the work. To activate the daemon watcher, the child must send // the SIGUSR1 activation signal. { fd_set readSet; long long int timediff; unsigned long long nextTick; struct timeval tv; int retval; TRACE("activation signal recieved"); timediff = CS461NextClockEvent - CS461GetTime(); if (timediff < 0) nextTick = 0; else nextTick = timediff; tv.tv_sec = nextTick / 1000; tv.tv_usec = (nextTick - (tv.tv_sec * 1000)) * 1000; TRACE("clock timeout is %ld sec, %ld usec", (long int)tv.tv_sec, (long int)tv.tv_usec); FD_ZERO(&readSet); FD_SET(FirewallFD, &readSet); // Wait for either a packet to arrive or a clock event TRACE("waiting for events..."); retval = select(FirewallFD + 1, &readSet, NULL, NULL, &tv); catchError(retval, -1, "(select) wait for packet or clock event"); // Notify the child of whatever happened ASSERT((retval == 1) || (retval == 0)); if (retval == 1) { // Send signal SIGUSR1 for packet events TRACE("packet event, signaling child"); catchError(kill(CS461Child, SIGUSR1), -1, "signal to child"); } if (retval == 0) { // Send signal SIGUSR2 for clock events TRACE("clock event, signaling child"); CS461NextClockEvent = CS461GetTime() + CS461ClockPeriod; catchError(kill(CS461Child, SIGUSR2), -1, "signal to child"); } // Re-install this handler catchError((unsigned)signal(SIGUSR1, CS461WatcherDaemonHandler), (unsigned)SIG_ERR, "CS461WatcherDaemonHandler setup"); } static void CS461WatcherDaemon(void) // This function is forked off as a seperate process during // initialization. It watches the network device for incoming // data and also keeps track of time for the child (rest of the // system). Once such events occur a signal will be sent to the // child to notify it. This means that the child can execute code // that does not know or bother about such events until they occur // and an appropriate sugfnal handler is given control by the OS // and the right thing can happen. { static struct sigaction sa; // Initialize the clock CS461NextClockEvent = CS461GetTime() + CS461ClockPeriod; // Set up a handler to catch when we should shut down (when the // main process quits or dies unexpectedly). sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sa.sa_sigaction = CS461TerminationHandler; sa.sa_flags = SA_NOCLDSTOP | SA_SIGINFO; catchError(sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa, NULL), -1, "SIGCHLD setup"); catchError(sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL), -1, "SIGINT setup"); // Set up a handler to recieve signals from the child catchError((unsigned)signal(SIGUSR1, CS461WatcherDaemonHandler), (unsigned)SIG_ERR, "CS461WatcherDaemonHandler setup"); // Activate myself catchError(kill(getpid(), SIGUSR1), -1, "self activation signal"); for (FOREVER) { int retval; // Just loop and ignore signals from the child (which are dealt // with by the handler). retval = select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if ((retval != -1) || (errno != EINTR)) { catchError(-1, -1, "(select) waiting for reply from child"); } } } // // ------ Visible Exported Interface Functions ------ // EXPORT void CS461_Initialize( unsigned short protocol, // e.g. IPPROTO_TCP void (* recvCallback)(void *), // called for incoming packets void (* clockCallback)(void), // called at clockPeriod intervals unsigned long long clockPeriod,// time in milliseconds int debug) // Boolean to debug or not to debug // This will initialize the interface library. It will create a // firewall rule to capture all packets destined to the extra // cluster IP addresses and forward them to user space. Only // "protocol" packets will be captured. Debugging messages for // the library will be turned on if the "debug" flag is TRUE. // Whenever data arrives, the callback function will be called // with the the new packet. If either callback is NULL, it will // be disabled. The recvCallback is passed a region of memory // that begins with an IP header. The memory region must be freed // using CS461_Free() after processing is complete. { struct ip_fwnew insertRecord; CS461Debug = debug; CS461RecvCallback = recvCallback; CS461ClockCallback = clockCallback; CS461ClockPeriod = clockPeriod; CS461Daemon = getpid(); FirewallFD = catchError(open(IP_NETLINK_DEVICE, O_RDONLY), -1, "open of firewall"); FirewallSocketFD = catchError(socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW), -1, "open of firewall socket"); FirewallRule.fw_src.s_addr = 0; // No restriction on source FirewallRule.fw_dst.s_addr = CS461_GetIpAlias(); // Me FirewallRule.fw_smsk.s_addr = 0; // No restriction on source FirewallRule.fw_dmsk.s_addr = inet_addr(""); // Cluster mask FirewallRule.fw_mark = 0; // An unused field FirewallRule.fw_proto = protocol; // See only packets FirewallRule.fw_flg = IP_FW_F_NETLINK; // Copy packets to /dev/netlink FirewallRule.fw_invflg = IP_FW_INV_VIA; // XXX necessary? FirewallRule.fw_spts[0] = 0x0; // port number min/max restrictions FirewallRule.fw_spts[1] = 0xFFFF; // port number min/max restrictions FirewallRule.fw_dpts[0] = 0x0; // port number min/max restrictions FirewallRule.fw_dpts[1] = 0xFFFF; // port number min/max restrictions FirewallRule.fw_redirpt = 0; // No redirection FirewallRule.fw_outputsize = 65535; // No size restrictions strcpy(FirewallRule.fw_vianame, "tap0"); // XXX necessary? FirewallRule.fw_tosand = 0xFF; // Don't change the TOS hdr field FirewallRule.fw_tosxor = 0x00; // Don't change the TOS hdr field insertRecord.fwn_rulenum = 1; // Make this the first rule insertRecord.fwn_rule.ipfw = FirewallRule; strcpy(insertRecord.fwn_rule.label, "DENY"); strcpy(insertRecord.fwn_label, "input"); catchError(setsockopt(FirewallSocketFD, IPPROTO_IP, IP_FW_INSERT, (char *)(&insertRecord), sizeof(insertRecord)), -1, "insert firewall rule"); if ((CS461Child = fork()) != 0) { // If this is the parent, we will just watch the netlink // device for incoming data and then signal the child once // data arrives. CS461WatcherDaemon(); exit(0); } else { // For the child, we set up the signal handler to catch // signals from the parent (watcher daemon). Depending on the // state of interrupts, it may call the callbacks provided bye // the higher level or update state to have them called one // interrupts are allowed once again. catchError((unsigned)signal(SIGUSR1, CS461EventHandler), (unsigned)SIG_ERR, "SIGUSR1 CS461EventHandler setup"); catchError((unsigned)signal(SIGUSR2, CS461EventHandler), (unsigned)SIG_ERR, "SIGUSR2 CS461EventHandler setup"); TRACE("set up event handler"); CS461InterruptState = CS461_INTON; } TRACE("succeeded (firewall rule inserted)"); } EXPORT CS461_InterruptState CS461_GetInterruptState() // Returns the current recv and clock callback state { return CS461InterruptState; } EXPORT CS461_InterruptState CS461_InterruptToggle(CS461_InterruptState state) // Toggle the use of the revc and clock callbacks. This is // important to synchronize the execution of the callbacks so that // they do not interfere with other tasks. If a callback would // have occurred one or more times during a toggle to off period, // it will be called only once immediately after a toggle to on. // The previous toggle setting is returned. { CS461_InterruptState oldState; ASSERT(FirewallFD != -1); // Verify we are initialized TRACE("Clock: %s, Packets: %s", state & CS461_INTCLOCK ? "Y" : "N", state & CS461_INTRECV ? "Y" : "N"); if (CS461InterruptState == state) return CS461InterruptState; if (CS461InterruptState == CS461_INTOFF) { TRACE("signaling watcher daemon to continue"); catchError(kill(CS461Daemon, SIGUSR1), -1, "signal to daemon"); } if (state & CS461_INTCLOCK & ~CS461InterruptState) { catchError((unsigned)signal(SIGUSR2, CS461EventHandler), (unsigned)SIG_ERR, "CS461EventHandler setup"); } if (~state & CS461_INTCLOCK & CS461InterruptState) { catchError((unsigned)signal(SIGUSR2, SIG_IGN), (unsigned)SIG_ERR, "CS461EventHandler setup"); } if (state & CS461_INTRECV & ~CS461InterruptState) { catchError((unsigned)signal(SIGUSR1, CS461EventHandler), (unsigned)SIG_ERR, "CS461EventHandler setup"); } if (~state & CS461_INTRECV & CS461InterruptState) { catchError((unsigned)signal(SIGUSR1, SIG_IGN), (unsigned)SIG_ERR, "CS461EventHandler setup"); } oldState = CS461InterruptState; CS461InterruptState = state; return oldState; } EXPORT unsigned int CS461_GetIpAlias(void) // Returns the IP address at which data may be recieved. { char hostname[256], *ptr; struct hostent *h; int addr; catchError(gethostname(hostname, 256), -1, "gethostname"); ptr = strchr(hostname, '.'); if (!ptr) { ptr = hostname + strlen(hostname); } strcpy(ptr, "-cs461"); h = gethostbyname(hostname); if (!h) { perror("gethostbyname"); exit(1); } memcpy(&addr, h->h_addr_list[0], sizeof(addr)); return addr; } EXPORT void CS461_Block(void) // Wait for a an event to occur. Regardless of the state of // CS461_Interrupts, CS461_Block return after either a clock or // packet event has occurred and after the appropriate callback // has been issued. { fd_set readSet; CS461_InterruptState userInterruptState; int retval; ASSERT(FirewallFD != -1); // Verify we are initialized // To avoid race conditions involving packets being dealt with // just before select is called, we only allow clock interrupts. // This means that it is possible (by the same style of race) to // miss a very close clock interrupt. We will see the next one, // however. userInterruptState = CS461_InterruptToggle(CS461_INTCLOCK); // Wait until we are interrupted TRACE("waiting..."); FD_ZERO(&readSet); FD_SET(FirewallFD, &readSet); retval = select(FirewallFD + 1, &readSet, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (retval == 1) { CS461_InterruptToggle(CS461_INTOFF); CS461PerformRecvCallback(); TRACE("signaling watcher daemon to continue"); catchError(kill(CS461Daemon, SIGUSR1), -1, "signal to daemon"); } CS461_InterruptToggle(userInterruptState); } EXPORT void CS461_SendIov( unsigned long int nextHop, // Where packet is actually sent to struct iovec *iov, // Vector of data to send from size_t iovlen) // Number of elements in the vector // Send the data specified by the iov. Wait until the send has // completed. The data must start with an IP header. IOVs are // described in bits/uio.h { struct sockaddr_in destAddr; struct msghdr msg; // defined in bits/socket.h ASSERT(FirewallFD != -1); // Verify we are initialized TRACE("sending packet..."); if (CS461Debug) { // Print the addresses struct in_addr addr; addr.s_addr = nextHop; TRACE("nhop: %s", inet_ntoa(addr)); } destAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; destAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = nextHop; msg.msg_name = &destAddr; msg.msg_namelen = sizeof(destAddr); msg.msg_iov = iov; msg.msg_iovlen = iovlen; msg.msg_control = NULL; msg.msg_controllen = 0; msg.msg_flags = 0; catchError(sendmsg(FirewallSocketFD, &msg, 0), -1, "sendmsg"); TRACE("succeeded"); } EXPORT void CS461_Free(void *ptr) // Free a packet that was delivered to recvCallback() // Always call this after packet processing is complete. { // The pointer had better point to the header field of CS461PacketBuf ptr -= sizeof(CS461DeviceHeader); free(ptr); }