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Computer Graphics, Spring 2004

Final Projects

Written Proposals (due in class on Thursday, April 22):

Each team of students should submit a one-page written project proposal.  The proposals should include enough detail to convince a reader that you've found a good problem, you understand how hard it is, you've mapped out a plan for how to attack it, and you have an idea about which experiments you might run to test the success of your implementation.  Following is a brief outline you might follow ...

Project Proposal Presentations (during class on Thursday, April 22):

Each team of students will give a 5-10 minute talk to present his/her course project proposal to the class (with slides, videos, and/or other props).  You should be sure to convince us that: 1) you are addressing an important problem, 2) you understand various approaches to the problem, 3) you have found an interesting approach to attack the problem, 4) you have a SPECIFIC, DETAILED plan, and 5) you will know when you are done. 5-10 minutes is a very short amount of time. So, please come with a presentation that is concise and to-the-point.  You probably want to use around 6 slides following the outline above.

Final Written Reports (due May 17):

Each team of students should submit written final report.  The written report should contain descriptions of the goals and execution of your project.  You should include a review of related work.  You should write detailed descriptions of the approach you've chosen, the implementation hurdles you've encountered, the features you've implemented, and any results you've generated.  Following is a brief outline you might follow ...

Demo Day (Wed, May 19, 2-5PM, Friend 008):

Each team of students will give a short presentation describing their class project.  Your goal should be to demonstrate and describe for the class in 15 minutes what you have done and why it is interesting.  In addition to running a live demo on one of the computers, you should describe the guts of your project, possibly using slides or other props.

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