Information will be added throughout the semester.
Due date: Dean's Date, May 14, 2002.
Each student will do a final project of his or her choosing related to the material of the course.
List of suggested projects This list will be expanded as the semester progresses.
Students are encouraged to suggest other project topics based on their own interests.
Do a literature search and analysis of the stte of the art of video libraries and video retrieval (no implementation).
Experiment with recommender systems -- learn the techniques and experiment with your own.
Investigate the use of dependence among index terms (e.g. co-occurence) in the literature and by your own
Investigate the history and development of the SMART project at Cornell (originally Harvard) by Dr. G. Salton.
This project produced many results in classic information retrieval (no implementation).
Investigate the problems with digitizing of old documents to build digital archives: optical character
recognition (OCR), searching "OCRed" documents.
Online resources
Researchers at NEC have developed a database for research papers in
computer science. NEC ResearchIndex
is a good tool for finding papers related to a topic and for finding papers thatcite a paper about which you already know.