Mon Mar 26 11:18:23 EST 2001

Project teams and TA assignments

Each team must arrange to meet with its assigned TA by the end of this week (preferably by Friday March 30, but no later than Sunday April 1) to go over your project in more detail -- by the end of the meeting, Carl or Nitin should have a very clear picture of what you are going to build, including its components and interfaces, and how and when you propose to build it. You should present a reasonable sequence of stages such that each represents a working system; if your schedule proves too optimistic, this gives you a fallback that you can still demonstrate on May 10. You should also have thought about potential roadblocks and things that might go wrong.

All members of the team must participate in TA meetings.


Corey Campbell*, Brandon Braunstein, Jerome Hauser
Polaris GDB interface

Benjamin Cronin*, Kyle Corcoran, David Stavens
TopicTree web-based note-taker and manager

Reuben Grinberg*, DJ Cole, Victor Shnayder, Dan Spector
GameMaker turn-based game engine

Chris Karr*, Benjamin Barshied, Jason Ku
Ozymandias mailing list archiver


Dave Fussell*, Pat King, Mitch Slep
netFlash network-based flashcard system

Robin Giese*, Alison Fournier, Tyler Grant, Evren Odcikin
Cash Manager web-based personal finance management

Eric Sharret*, Lawrence Fu, Conor Neu, Manoj Rajegowda
Campus video web service