CS333 Project: Third Handout

Mon Apr 16 09:38:32 EDT 2001

This page describes in more detail the requirements for Demo Day on May 10, what you have to submit for your project by Dean's Date, May 15, and how grading will be done.

   April 2001
 1  2  3  4  5  6  7
 8  9 10 11 12 13 14	prototype
15 16 17 18 19 20 21	              <= You are here.
22 23 24 25 26 27 28	alpha test
29 30
   May 2001
       1  2  3  4  5	beta test
 6  7  8  9 10 11 12	demo day
13 14 15 16 17 18 19	Dean's date

Remaining stages

  • April 27: Alpha test. An "almost working" version of the core functionality of your project, to be demoed for your TA.

  • May 4: Beta test. Your code should largely work, all intended features should be installed and working, drafts of written material and web page should be done.

    May 10: Demo day.

    Project demos will happen May 10, in the CS building (probably) Room 301. Each team will give a 30 minute public presentation of their work to the professor and TA's; other groups are strongly encouraged to attend, for edification and moral support. I'll post a signup sheet for demo slots, which will likely be from 1:00 to 5:00.

    You can divide up the presentation responsibilities any way you like; there is no need for everyone to speak, but all team members must attend.

    These demos will determine a significant portion of your grade and as such you (and we) want them to go as smoothly as possible. In order to assure this, start thinking about your demo now. Picture your demo as a presentation that will make or break your "company" -- you'll be on the spot in a foreign place, with an audience. Think of the audience as a group of skeptical but hopeful and very supportive potential customers or investors.

    What should you cover in your presentation? That's entirely up to you, but it will likely include an overview of what your system does and why it's worth doing; what's in it, how it was constructed and how it works; a demo of its most basic or interesting features; and maybe a bit about what you learned and what you might do next. Leave 5 minutes for questions at the end.

    For the demo, what kind of hardware and software and network access will you require? Probably the best solution is to install your project on a laptop that one of your group members owns. (This is a good chance to check out your installation procedure.) We will supply a computer projector (800x600 resolution) and an overhead projector. If you require Internet connectivity, you need to register with CIT and also CS staff to get mobile IP set up for your laptop. The room will be available for dry-run testing on Wednesday, May 9, the day before the demos.

    If using your own laptop is not feasible, please let your TA know as soon as possible what exact hardware and software you will require. We can probably supply a PC running Windows NT, with an Internet connection, and an X Windows emulator, but anything beyond that is likely to be infeasible. No matter what, you need lead time to make sure everything works. Please give your demo requirements to your TA by Friday, April 27.

    No matter what you plan to use for your demo, you should still be able to present if something breaks. Murphy's Law applies to all of us: bring along some transparencies that you can use in an emergency.

    May 15 (Dean's date): Final submission

    Everything must be done and handed in by 5PM on this date, without exception.

    Your final submission has to include

    Here is what you should do (subject to minor refinements over the next couple of weeks):

    Submission: Collect everything for submission in one place.

    Be sure that your code is complete and still works after it is copied to the submission directory. We will be assessing your software somewhere else, so be sure to include all necessary files and remove all absolute file names. Try it out yourself to make sure it works.

    Documentation: The documentation must include the following:

    All documentation other than your seduction web pages must be in simple HTML, GIF and JPEG that works with Netscape and Internet Explorer. It should be written in good English, free of spelling and grammar errors. It should be thorough but not exhaustive; the total submitted documentation should not exceed 15 printed pages.

    Installation: If your code is meant to run on Unix or Linux, it should include a makefile such that the command make will make the system in the current directory. The command make clean should remove all temporary junk, like object files and executables.

    If your system is meant to run on Windows, you can include a self-installing executable or a zip file that contains all the necessary files, along with any project files for the compiler you used.

    In either case, if your system relies on the existence of major components like a compiler, a debugger, a source-code control system, or the like, these must be noted in the installation instructions, along with your best guess about how to get copies. Do not include them!

    You should test your installation procedure just as you test your system, and you should inflict it on others if possible.

    It will be a great help if you follow these directions and try to make it easy for us to look at and play with your project. If things go well, we tend to be happy; if things go badly, we get grumpy. Happy graders tend to give better grades.


    (This part is definitely subject to fiddling.) The project is worth about 60 percent of the overall grade. Every team member gets the same project grade except for a small discretionary component to be described later.

    The project grade will be derived from considerations like these: