CS598b Assignment 3: 3D Analysis
Due May 9, 2000
The objective of this assignment is to develop algorithms for analysis
of 3D shapes using high-level 3D representations.
You should:
Choose an analysis task (verification, recognition, similarity-based retrieval,
classification, clustering, etc.),
Choose a 3D object representation (e.g., surfaces, voxels, skeletons, CSG,
etc.), and
Implement a program that automatically performs the analysis task using
the 3D object representation.
You can be as ambitious as you want. Simple projects will involve
implementing methods from the literature, medium-level projects may involve
developing new similarity metrics for high-level 3D representations, and
hard projects may involve integrating reconstruction and analysis methods.
A one-page project proposal is due on Tuesday, April 11. The final
report will be due at midnight on May 9. Please email me a written
description, concisely describing the goal of your project, your approach,
issues encountered, and evaluation of your results. Include pictures
and references. Also, we'll discuss the progress of your projects
in class on Tuesday 4/25 and Thursday 4/27, during which each student will
make a 15-20 minute presentation describing his/her project.
Department, Princeton University