![]() Princeton University |
Computer Science 291 |
The final exam is Thursday, May 20th, at 7:30 pm in Guyot 10. Please check out the exam question clarifications here.
The questions for the final exam can be found here. The final examination will consist of a subset of these study questions, and it will be closed-book. You will not be allowed to use any study materials during the exam. The questions on your examination will be written in precisely the form given here with one exception. Please draw our attention to any questions that seem unclear or ambiguous. If your queries demonstrate the need to revise, we will post revisions on the course webpage and questions on the examination will reflect these revisions.
The papers are now due Monday, May 3rd, by 5pm. You should still drop them off outside Allison' office.
(Posted 4/22) The second paper (or web page) of the class is due by NOON April 30. A box will be outside of Allison Klein's office (215 in the CS building) for paper drop-off. People choosing the web page option should print out the first page of the web page, CLEARLY write the URL of the web page at the top, and place this in the drop-off box. E-mails will not be accepted. Click here to see some paper and web page guidelines and suggested topics.
(Posted 3/22) The first paper of the class is due today, March 22, at the beginning of lecture. Also, since Helen is out of town this week, her precept is cancelled. Students in her precept should attend one of the other 3 precepts. (See below for other precept locations and times.)
(Posted 3/5) The first paper of the class is due March 22, at the beginning of lecture. Click here to see some paper guidelines and suggested topics.
Are now in stock.
The questions you are required to submit every week for precept (and any other questions or comments you would like to share) must be posted to your precept newsgroup:
So, for example, if you are in precept #4, you would post a message to pu.cs.291-4. By posting a message to the newsgroup, everyone in precept will be able to read it and think about it. Students are strongly encouraged to review all the posted questions before attending precept. If you'd like to read more about newsgroups in general, information is available here.Please do not forget to submit your questions by 5pm Sunday evening.
Precepts began Monday, February 8. Below are the precept times and locations. Please follow the links to see the student enrollments for each precept.