Princeton University
Computer Science Dept.

Computer Science 291
Computers, Ethics, and Social Responsibility

Helen Nissenbaum


Spring 1999

Course Information | Assignments

Requirements and Grading:

Two papers (6-8 pages) based on required readings. (Click here to see some guidelines and suggested topics for the first paper.) 40%

(Or, a Web page in lieu of one of the papers dedicated to one of the course topics or a related case study.)

A short summary (1-2 pages) of a public lecture 5% (Due two days after lecture)

Participation in the classroom and preceptorial. The latter includes attendance, contribution to discussion, and submission of questions and discussion points the evening before precept. 25%

Final examination 30%

To pass the course, students must earn passing grades in each of the above requirements. Late papers are accepted only at discretion of Instructor or Preceptor, usually with grade penalty.