The concise signature of Concurrent ML is now available.
Problem set 9 now available.
of coroutines via continuations now available.
Problem set 8 now available; due in
class April 15.
Problem set 7 now available; due in
class April 8.
Check the Midterm Exam web page
for corrections and updates daily, if possible. All modifications
will be announced in the "bug fixes" section at the beginning.
The first 7 problems of the Midterm Exam
is now ready. The rest will be on the web by Monday.
-- A. Appel, 3/6/98, 7:25 p.m.
I have fixed a bug in the fact2 function in problem 1 of
Problem set 5. -- A. Appel, 3/6/98, 11:15 a.m.
Why it's called a problem set:
Because of all the problems it causes, that's why.
Two members of the class have pointed out
that my bug-fix (i.e., problem 6 to replace problem 5 of homework #4)
does not work. So I've tried again: ignore problem 6, and try problem
7 instead. (If we're lucky, this revision of the problem set is a
normal form.) -- A. Appel
I have discovered another bug in problem set 4 (see the
revised problem set).
Because of this bug, I have extended the deadline to
9 a.m., Friday March 6.
If turning it in after
hours, please slide it under the door to room 214.
Corrected (2nd bug-fixed) version of problem set
4 now available.
Problem set 5 now available; due in
class March 11.
Minor bug in WHILE semantics
The WHILE loop semantics I showed in class has a minor bug: it does
not permit backward branches within the body of a while loop. If your
REPEAT loop (problem 5 of problem set 7) suffers from the same problem,
you won't lose any credit.
Semantics Book on reserve
I have put Denotational Semantics: The Scott-Strachey Approach to
Programming Language Theory, by Joseph Stoy, on reserve in the E-Quad
library. Chapters 9-12 cover the kind of material that might be useful
in doing the problem set. -- A. Appel