Lab 3
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A New Way to Save Your Work

In the first and second labs, you learned that any files you wished to save had to be stored on your UNIX Account. You used FTP to transfer all of these files at the end of the lab.

This week, it is even more important that you save your files there. Once you have created your web page, in order to make it viewable to the world, you must place it in a special "public_html" directory on your UNIX account. Yet, instead of transferring all of your files there at the end of the lab, we're going to show you how to save them there as though your UNIX account were just another hard drive (like C).

What's a network drive?

A network drive is a disk drive that acts as though it is part of your computer when really it is located in some other computer on the network. This is a useful thing because it allows you to store all of your files on one computer, and then access them from many different places around campus by mapping a network drive to their location.

Mapping a Network Drive

Follow these steps to map your UNIX account as a network drive:

  1. Find the Network Neighborhood icon on your Desktop.
  2. Right-click on it and choose "Map Network Drive"
  3. Remember the letter that is selected next to "Drive"
  4. Next to "Path", type the following line:
    replacing username with your username.
  5. Un-check the "Reconnect at Logon" box.
  6. Click on "OK"

If everything worked correctly, you should now be able to access your UNIX account as though it were just another disk drive on your computer. Move onto the next section to set up directories for this lab.

Setting up directories

Now you need to set up a "public_html" directory if you do not already have one. These instructions will help you do so:

  1. Open Windows NT Explorer from the Start Menu.
  2. On the left side, find your network drive and click on it (your drive should have your username next to it, as well as a letter name).
  3. The contents of your UNIX account should be listed on the right. If there is already a folder there called "public_html", then do not follow the rest of these instructions.
  4. Choose "New | Folder" from the File Menu.
  5. A new folder should pop up with its name highlighted. Type in "public_html" (without the quotation marks). This will create a directory with that name.

Making your directories accessible to the world

Finally, you will need to make your directories accessible to the world. Follow these steps to do so (don't worry if you don't understand the commands):

  1. Telnet to Arizona
  2. Login to your UNIX account
  3. At the prompt, type the following 2 lines:
    • chmod 755 .
    • chmod 755 public_html
  4. Logout of your UNIX account and close the Telnet window

Now you're ready to start writing web pages. Move on to the next section for a brief introduction to Web authoring and HTML.

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