CS ST2: Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics
1996 Spring Semester
- Lectures:
- Time: MF 3-4:20
- Place: CS 105
- Computer Graphics (CS 426)
Required Text:
- None. Papers will be handed out in class.
Supplemental texts:
- James Foley, Andries Van Dam, Steven Feiner, and John Hugues,
Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice, Addison-Wesley, 1990.
- Graphics Gems Series, Associated Press
- Advanced Animation and Rendering Techniques (Watt/Watt)
Conferences and Journals text:
SIGGRAPH is the preeminent conference
for work in computer graphics. The proceedings from these
conferences are great resources. ACM Transactions on Graphics,
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Visual Computer,
are the most predominant journals.
- Programming Assignment: 33%
- Final Project: 33%
- Presentation(s): 33%
There will be one programming assignment which will be assigned at the
beginning of the course, and due around the middle of the course. There will
be three check-in points where required features of the final program will
have to be working. More detail is available on the homeworks page.
There will also be a final project that will consume the rest of the semester.
Projects may be done individually or in pairs.
In addition, each student will be required to present at least one paper to
the rest of the class. All students are expected to read all papers.
The grading criteria will be known a priori, so each working feature will be
worth a certain amount of points. Extra credit will be available for extra
Project Turn-in & Late Policy:
Your renderer should be turned in at each of the three check-in points in
its current state. This means that you HAVE to have something working at
those times. Your submitted code will be randomly assigned to two other
students, who will do their best to break it and report all bugs to you. You
should fix all reported bugs and re-submit within three days. Nothing will
be graded until the final submission; however this will provide us a useful
way to checkpoint your progress.
You must submit something at the check in point, and you must
submit something at most three days later. ABSOLUTELY no late assignments
will be accepted, and although grading will not happen until the final
submission, your grade will suffer if you don't meet the given deadlines.
No exceptions will be made.
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