WEEK 1 Tues A Guest: Dannie Durand, Mouse genetics Assignment 1: Write Simulation Program for Mouse Populations, (due Tues, WEEK 2) B prc: "What Is Simulation and Who Does It?" Lecture Thur A ken: intro to prob. and statistics for mice (slides P1-P13) B prc: "What Is Simulation and Who Does It?" Con't -------------------------------------------------- WEEK 2 Tues A students: (Ass. #1 due) discuss results B Durand: Advanced mouse genetics simulations (sub-populations, migration, multigeneration survival, t-haplotypes, selection etc.) Thur A ken: more probability and statistics, confidence intervals B ken intro to numerical simulation, ode's, state space Assignment 2: Write simulation of nonlinear pendulum, (due Tues WEEK 4) -------------------------------------------------- WEEK 3 Tues A ken: finite-difference methods for ode's, convergence, stability, Euler's method B prc: frequency domain, DFT, interpretation, pitfalls Thur A ken: ode's con't, second-order Runge-Kutta, stability, implicit methods, pde's: where do they come from B prc: display and interpretation of data: some initial topics -------------------------------------------------- WEEK 4 Tues A students: (Ass. #2 due) discuss results B ken: analytic soln. of nonlinear pendulum Thur A and B students: proposals for midterm project, 5 minutes each, short written proposal -------------------------------------------------- WEEK 5 Tues A prc: Data input: initial topics B ken: simulating queue arrivals: the exponential waiting time distribution; aliasing Thur A ken: aliasing again, DFT representation, FFT algorithm: theory, implementation B prc: black box models, parametric and nonparametric -------------------------------------------------- WEEK 6 Tues A ken: intro to digital filters, room simulation as digital filter design, lowpass comb filters, Moorer's reverb structure B prc: black-box modeling con't; nonlinear systems Thur A and B students: presentation of midterm projects, reports due -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= MIDTERM BREAK -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= WEEK 7 Tues A and B students: presentation of midterm projects, con't Thur couple leftover student reports [Assignment 3 announced] A ken: digital filters, FIR (aka MA, moving-average, feedforward) and IIR (aka ARMA, auto-regresssive/moving-average recursive, feedback) filters -------------------------------------------------- WEEK 8 Tues Assignment 3 out, the Vibrating String A ken: digital filters: inverse comb, comb, digital resonators, general forms B prc: Linear predictive coding (LPC), application to speech modeling, Part 1 thur student report A ken: The Fermi-Pastai-Ulam experiment, the FPU paper will be distributed, further embellishments of the vibrating string discussed B prc: speech modeling: linear source-filter models -------------------------------------------------- WEEK 9 Tues A prc: speech modeling: non-linearity. B Mariusz: introduction to solitons Thur Assignment 3 due, Assignment 4 (probably solitons in cellular automata) out A students: discuss Assignment 3 B ken: discuss stability theory for PDE finite-difference methods, von Neumann's method, C brief intro to filter automata (Assignment 4) D mj: the split-Fourier numerical method for nonlinear schroedinger's eqn -------------------------------------------------- WEEK 10 Tues A prc: speech modeling, conclusion. B ken: the plucked-string scam Thur A prc: Factoring models into linear and non-linear components. Flutes, Clarinets, Bowed Strings, etc. B ken: cellular automata, universality, Wolfram's classification, applications... lattice gasses -------------------------------------------------- WEEK 11 Tues A students: discuss Assignment 4 B prc: Factoring models... (con't) Thur A students: propose final projects, due. May 13 B: ken: intro to economic modeling -------------------------------------------------- WEEK 12 Tues A: students: propose final projects (con't) B ken: economic simulation at the agent level: A simple food/gold world; C prc: Thur A: ken & dans: economic simulation (con't); simulating trend-based traders, price bubbles and crashes --------------------------------------------------