write to unique.html a WWW listing of the code for the unique strings program found in /u/cs217/src/{unique,strset}. This output is available in /u/cs217/2/unique.html.
WWW documents are written in `HTML' - the HyperText Markup Language. You do not need to know much about HTML; simply mimic the output of the program /u/cs217/2/c2html. The source code for program is 106 lines long.
A HTML document contains text and embedded formatting commands. Most formatting commands have the form <X>text</X> where X is the formatting command that applies to text. Commands that do not apply to specific pieces of text have only the leading <X>.
The command like the one shown above generates an HTML file that has the following general structure.
Fri Sep 9 16:21:35 EDT 1994
Each file is listed verbatim, except for some include directives. If an include directive refers to one of the ANSI Standard include files in brackets, a hypertext link to the include file itself is planted in the output. For example, unique/main.c includes the line
#include <stdlib.h>
and c2html prints this line as
#include <<a href="http://www.princeton.edu/~cs217/include/stdlib.h">stdlib.h</a>>
Note the use of `<' and `>' for the literal occurrences of < and >; c2html must replace all left and right brackets with < and > to avoid confusing WWW clients that interpret HTML formatting codes. It must also replace occurrences of `&' with &.
Similarly, if an include directive refers to one of the file arguments, a self-referential hypertext link to that file is emitted. For example, unique/main.c includes the line
#include "strset/strset.h"
and c2html prints this line as
#include "<a href="#3">strset/strset.h</a>"
The "#3" is the same string that appears just after the <h2> code at the beginning of the listing for strset/strset.h.
If an include directive refers to file that is elsewhere, it is printed without a hypertext link. For example, strset/strset1.c includes the line
#include "strset.h"
This line names strset.h, but the file name used in the command above is strset/strset.h, so c2html prints this line verbatim.
/u/cs217/bin/submit 2 readme makefile ...You may use other computing facilities to develop your program, but the submitted version must compile with lcc and execute correctly on the SparcServers.
Due: submitted by 11:59pm, Monday, 19 Feb.