CS217 - The First Week
Online Enrollment
First, please enroll on-line
for the course. This puts you in our grading database and makes sure
you'll get e-mail when we make announcements.
Setting Up Your Account
You'll probably want to add /u/cs217/bin to your search path.
This usually means editing your .cshrc or .login -
find the line which says
set path = ( various directories here )
and add /u/cs217/bin to your path, preferrably before
/usr/princeton/bin. This way, we can add new commands
and you can just type their names at the Unix prompt.
First-Week Special Precepts
We have CS 101 (the Sparc lab) reserved from 7-8pm on Tuesday,
Wednesday, and Thursday. You should arrive for one of
these sessions. We'll be going over gdb - the GNU
debugger - which you'll be using to fix your programs when
they aren't working properly.
CS217, CS Department, Princeton University
Last modified: Thu Feb 1 03:50:17 EST 1996