Princeton University
COS 333: Advanced Programming Techniques

Assignment 2: A Registrar Application: Networked Version


The purpose of this assignment is to help you learn or review three-tiered programming. More specifically, the assignment will help you to learn or review network and concurrent programming in Python.


Make sure you study the COS 333 Policies web page before doing this assignment or any of the course's assignments.

Your Task

As with Assignment 1, pretend that you're working for Princeton's Registrar's Office. You're given a database containing data about classes and courses offered during an upcoming Princeton semester. Your task is to create Python applications that allows Princeton students and other interested parties to query the database.

Your Assignment 1 programs are not particularly realistic. Specifically, it's not realistic for the Princeton Registrar's Office database to be present on the computers of Princeton students. Instead it would be more realistic for a single database to be present on a computer that is administered by the Registrar's Office, for the Registrar's Office to run a server program that makes the database accessible to client programs, and for Princeton students to have client programs on their computers that communicate with the server program to fetch data from the database. In this assignment your task is to compose an application that implements that three-tiered architecture.

For this assignment you must compose three programs: client programs named and, and a server program named Your client programs must communicate with your server program. Your client and server programs might be running on the same computer, or might be running on different computers. That is, your application must be networked.

The Given Files

Browse to the TigerFile page for this assignment. Download the file. Then unzip that file to create files named reg.sqlite, ref_regoverviews.pyc, ref_regdetails.pyc, ref_regserver.pyc,,, and Subsequent sections of this document describe those files.

The Database

The database is identical to the one from Assignment 1. The specification of Assignment 1 provides a description. The database is stored in the given file named reg.sqlite.

The Communication Protocol

The given client programs and your client programs must communicate with the given server program and your server program. For that to be possible, the client programs and server programs must use a defined communication protocol. This section specifies that protocol.

Suppose a client wants to fetch class overviews. In that case the client must send to the server a JSON document representing a Python object. The object must be a list object. The first element of the list object must be the str object "get_overviews". The second element of the list object must must be a dict object. There must be four bindings in the list object, having keys "dept", "coursenum", "area", and "title". (The values of some of the bindings might be the empty string.) For example, a client might send to a server a JSON document representing this Python object:

['get_overviews', {'dept':'COS', 'coursenum':'2', 'area':'qr', 'title':'intro'}]

In response, the server must send to the client a JSON document representing a Python object. The object must be a list object. The first element of the list object must be a bool object — indicating whether the server handled the request successfully or not. If the bool object is False, then the second element must be a str object which is an error message. If the bool object is True, then the second element must be a list object. Each element of the list object must be a dict object containing the data for one class. For example, if the client sends the server the above request (and there are no errors), then the server must send to the client a JSON representation of this Python object:

[True, [
   {'classid':8308, 'dept':'COS', 'coursenum':'217', 'area':'QR',
      'title':'Introduction to C_Science Programming Systems'},
   {'classid':9240, 'dept':'COS', 'coursenum':'342', 'area':'QR',
      'title':'Introduction to Graph Theory'}]]

The classes within the list object must be sorted; the primary sort must be by dept in ascending order, the secondary sort must be by coursenum in ascending order, and tertiary sort must be by classid in ascending order.

Now suppose a client wants to fetch class details. In that case the client must send to the server a JSON document representing a Python object. The object must be a list object. The first element of the list object must be the str object "get_details". The second element of the list object must an int object which is a classid. For example, a client might send to a server a JSON representation of this Python object:

['get_details', 8321]

In response, the server must send to the client a JSON document representing a Python object. The object must be a list object. The first element of the list object must be a bool object — indicating whether the server handled the request successfully or not. If the bool object is False, then the second element must be a str object which is an error message. If the bool object is True, then the second element must be a dict object containing the details for the specified class. For example, if the client sends the server the above request (and there are no errors), then the server must send to the client a JSON representation of this Python object:

[True, {
   'deptcoursenums':[{'dept': 'COS', 'coursenum': '333'}],
   'title':'Advanced C%Science Programming Techniques',
   'descrip':'This is a course about the practice of programming.  Programming is more than just writing code.  Programmers must also assess tradeoffs, choose among design alternatives, debug and test, improve performance, and maintain software written by themselves & others. At the same time, they must be concerned with compatibility, robustness, and reliability, while meeting specifications.  Students will have the opportunity to develop these skills by working on their own code and in group projects.',
   'prereqs':'COS 217 and COS 226.',
   'profnames': ['Brian W. Kernighan']

Within the deptcoursenums list the elements must be sorted primarily by department and secondarily by course number. Within the profnames list the elements must be sorted.

The Client Program

Compose your program. Your program must have the same behavior as the ref_regoverviews.pyc program.

When executed with -h as a command-line argument, your must display a help message that describes the program's behavior:

$ python -h
usage: [-h] [-d dept] [-n num] [-a area] [-t title] host port

Registrar application: show overviews of classes

positional arguments:
  host        the computer on which the server is running
  port        the port at which the server is listening

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -d dept     show only those classes whose department contains dept
  -n num      show only those classes whose course number contains num
  -a area     show only those classes whose distrib area contains area
  -t title    show only those classes whose course title contains title

Your must accept two required command-line arguments. The first must be the host, that is, the IP address or domain name of the computer on which the server is running. The second must be the number of the port at which the server is listening. Your also must must accept optional arguments, as does the Assignment 1 program.

When executed without -h as a command-line argument, and as indicated by the usage message, your must send a request to its server using the prescribed protocol, receive a response from its server using the prescribed protocol, and write the response to its stdout in the proper format (as defined in Assignment 1). At this point the server must be the given one. Later you'll also be able to use your server.

The ref_regoverviews.pyc program validates each response that it receives from a server, making sure that the the request has the proper format. Thereby ref_regoverviews.pyc will inform you if your server sends it a response that does not have the proper format. However, your may assume that each response that the server sends has the proper format.

The Client Program

Compose your program. Your program must have the same behavior as the ref_regdetails.pyc program.

When executed with -h as a command-line argument, your must display a help message that describes the program's behavior:

$ python -h
usage: [-h] host port classid

Registrar application: show details about a class

positional arguments:
  host        the computer on which the server is running
  port        the port at which the server is listening
  classid     the id of the class whose details should be shown

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Your must accept three command-line arguments. The first must be the host — the IP address or domain name of the computer on which the server is running. The second must be the number of the port at which the server is listening. The third must be a classid.

When executed without -h as a command-line argument, and as indicated by the usage message, your must send a request to the server using the prescribed protocol, receive a response from its server using the prescribed protocol, and write the response to its stdout in the proper format (as defined in Assignment 1). At this point the server must be the given one. Later you'll also be able to use your servers.

The ref_regdetails.pyc program validates each response that it receives from a server, making sure that the the request has the proper format. Thereby ref_regdetails.pyc will inform you if your sends it a response that does not have the proper format. However, your may assume that each response that the server sends has the proper format.

The Program

First compose a preliminary server program named Your program must have the same behavior as the ref_regserver.pyc program, except that it must not use multiple threads.

When executed with -h as a command-line argument, your must display a help message that describes the program's behavior:

$ python -h
usage: [-h]  port

Server for the registrar application

positional arguments:
  port              the port at which the server should listen

  -h, --help        show this help message and exit

When executed without -h as a command-line argument, and as indicated by the usage message, your must listen for client requests on the given port. When it receives a request using the prescribed protocol, it must fetch data from the database, formulate a response using the prescribed protocol, and send the response to the client. Your must work with the given clients, and also with your clients.

Your must handle the SQLite database. Your client programs must not access the SQLite database. Assume that the client program is running on computer X, your is running on computer Y, and the SQLite database is located on computer Y where X may not be the same as Y.

Your must handle '%' and '_' as ordinary characters, not wildcard characters, just as described in the Assignment 1 specification.

Your must protect itself from SQL injection attacks by using SQL prepared statements.

Note: Concerning killing the server:

Your must loop infinitely, as many servers do. The issue then becomes... How can you kill your server? That is, after creating a process by issuing a python someport command, how can you kill that process?

On any Mac or Linux computer the answer easy: type Ctrl-c. Doing that sends a SIGINT signal to the process, which (by default) kills it. Don't type Ctrl-z. Doing that sends a SIGTSTP signal to the process, which places it in the background. The process would continue to run and occupy the specified port. Subsequently issuing a fg command would bring the process back to the foreground.

On a Microsoft Windows computer the answer is harder. Ctrl-c does the job of killing any process, including one that is looping infinitely. However, your server will spend most of its time executing calls of server_sock.accept(), and while executing that function MS Windows blocks the effect of Ctrl-c.

So how can you kill the server on a MS Windows computer? Ctrl-Break might work. If your keyboard doesn't have a Break key, then consulting the Wikipedia Break key article might help. In the worst case you can kill the process via the Windows Task Manager; but that's an awkward last resort.

The ref_regserver.pyc program validates each "class overviews" request that it receives from a client, making sure that the request has the proper format. Thereby ref_regserver.pyc will inform you if the client sends a request that doesn't have the proper format. However, your may assume that each request that the client sends has the proper format.

After composing your program, compose program named Your must have the same behavior as your program, except that it must use multiple threads. That is, each time it receives a client request, it must spawn a new thread to handle that request. Thus your must have the same behavior as ref_regserver.pyc.

The connection between your and the database must not be persistent. That is, it must not be the case that your creates a database connection upon startup, and uses that database connection during the entire execution of your

Instead the database connection must be transient. Each time a client contacts your, your must create a database connection, fetch data from the database using that connection, and then close that connection.

The justification... Production-quality database management systems (such as PostgreSQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQLServer, and so forth) can handle requests concurrently. The "unit of concurrency" is the database connection. That is, production-quality database management systems can handle multiple database connections concurrently. To take advantage of that database management system concurrency, within your each child thread must create a new database connection, fetch data from the database using that connection, and then close that connection. An upcoming lecture will elaborate under the heading database connection pooling.

Delay Handling

Your and programs must accept environment variables named IODELAY and CDELAY.

The IODELAY environment variable provides a way for you to observe the behavior of your application when it is experiencing I/O delays — such as when the server is waiting for responses from a slow database. If the user specifies an IODELAY of n seconds, then your server must "sleep" for n seconds by calling time.sleep(n). The delay must occur once for each client request, immediately before the application accesses the database. The IODELAY environment variable must default to 0.

The CDELAY environment variable provides a way for you to observe the behavior of your application when it is experiencing compute delays — such as when your server is doing some intense arithmetic computation. When the user specifies a CDELAY of n seconds, then your server must consume n seconds of processor time. (Lectures describe how to do that.) The delay must occur once for each client request, immediately before the application accesses the database. The CDELAY environment variable must default to 0.

Perform experiments with your and server programs, using a variety of values of the IODELAY and CDELAY environment variables. (The lectures suggest some relevant experiments.) Then answer these questions in your readme file:

  1. With respect to I/O and compute delays, in a high-volume environment under what circumstances is better than
  2. With respect to I/O and compute delays, in a high-volume environment under what circumstances is not better than

Error Handling

Your application must be robust. It must be impossible for any client request to cause your server to exit. As with Assignment 1, each error message written by your application must be preceded with the name of the program, a colon, and a space. Generally, your application must implement this error handling strategy:

More specifically, your application must handle the following errors:

Incorrect environment variables

If the value of the IODELAY or CDELAY environment variable cannot be converted to an integer, then your server silently must consider the value to be 0.

Incorrect command-line arguments

If your server or client is given command-line arguments that argparse can detect as incorrect, then argparse indeed must detect them as incorrect. In that case your program must write a descriptive message to its stderr and exit the process with status 2, as is the default when using argparse.

Unavailable port

If your server is given a command-line argument specifying a port that is unavailable (typically because it already in use), then it must write a descriptive error message — the one contained within the thrown exception object — to its stderr and exit with status 1.

Unavailable server

If your server is unavailable on the specified host at the specified port at the time your client sends a request, then your client must write a descriptive error message — the one contained within the thrown exception object — to its stderr and exit with status 1.

Non-existing classid

If your sends a "class details" request specifying a classid that does not exist in the database, then:

Database cannot be opened

If your server cannot open the database when your client sends a request, then:

Corrupted database

If the database is corrupted when your client sends a request such that on your server the SQLite driver's execution of a SELECT statement throws an exception, then:


Perform boundary and statement testing of your, as described in the Assignment 1 specification. Automate the testing of your To do that, make a copy of; name the copy Then use in this sequence:

(1) Run the given server on somehost at someport:

python ref_regserver.pyc someport

(2) Run on your, and then on the given ref_regoverviews.pyc:

python somehost someport > out1 2>&1
python ref_regoverviews.pyc somehost someport > out2 2>&1
python out2 ref_regoverviews.pyc

(3) Make sure the contents of out1 and out2 are identical.

Then enhance by adding more tests, and repeat that procedure.

Perform boundary and statement testing of your, as described in the Assignment 1 specification. Automate the testing of your To do that, make a copy of; name the copy Then use in this sequence:

(1) Run the given server on somehost at someport:

python ref_regserver.pyc someport

(2) Run on your, and then on the given ref_regdetails.pyc:

python somehost someport > out3 2>&1
python ref_regdetails.pyc somehost someport > out4 2>&1
python out4 ref_regdetails.pyc

(3) Make sure the contents of out3 and out4 are identical.

Then enhance by adding more tests, and repeat that procedure.

Test your program by repeating your testing of your and programs — this time using your instead of the given server.

Test your just as you tested your

It's possible to design your and programs so they test the behavior of your programs in the presence of database problems. To do that you can use the same approach as was described in the Assignment 1 specification — with the assumption that the given client and server programs, your client and server programs, and the reg.sqlite database file happen to reside on the same computer in the same directory.


Compose a readme file. Your readme file must contain:

Your readme file must be a plain text file. Don't create your readme file using Microsoft Word or any other word processor.

Submit your assignment files using the TigerFile page. Make sure you submit:
(any .py files used by those programs)

Don't submit your program. After all, your will be a "superset" of your, so your grader need not see your program.


Assume that your grader already has activated the cos333 virtual environment before he/she runs your programs. The document from the first lecture entitled A COS 333 Computing Environment describes the cos333 virtual environment.

Your grade will be based upon:

Optional: Automated Statement Testing

To support your statement testing, you're encouraged (but not required) to use the Python coverage tool to generate a coverage report showing which lines of your application have and have not been executed by your tests. These are the steps:

  1. Issue commands of the form python -m coverage run -p arguments, python -m coverage run -p arguments, and python -m coverage run -p arguments — multiple times if necessary. Doing that generates coverage reports in files named .coverageX (for some X).
  2. Issue the command python -m coverage combine to combine the coverage reports generated by step 1 into one large coverage report in a file named .coverage.
  3. Issue the command python -m coverage html to use the .coverage file to generate a human-readable report as a set of HTML documents in a directory named htmlcov.
  4. Browse to htmlcov/index.html to check the report.
  5. Ideally, the files in your htmlcov directory should show that 100% of your programs' lines were executed. If the report shows less than 100% coverage, then revise your testing plan accordingly, delete the .coverage* files and the htmlcov directory, and repeat steps 1 through 5.

It probably won't be hard to achieve 100% coverage of your and But it probably will be hard to achieve 100% coverage of your That's because your, if properly robust, will contain statements that you can get to execute only by introducing errors into your or For example, your, if properly robust, will contain statements that handle this situation: sends a request to, but crashes (or somehow closes its socket) before can send its response.

Note: On a Microsoft Windows computer, when generating a coverage report it is possible to kill your by typing Ctrl-c, and you should do so. Typing Ctrl-Break causes such an abrupt exit that the coverage report is not generated.

Copyright © 2025 by Robert M. Dondero, Jr.