Princeton University
COS 333: Advanced Programming Techniques

Assignment 1: A Registrar Application: Command-Line Version


The purpose of this assignment is to help you learn or review the Python programming language and database programming in Python. If done properly, the assignment also will give you practice at composing modular code.


Make sure you study the COS 333 Policies web page before doing this assignment or any of the course's assignments.

You may work with one teammate on this assignment, and we prefer that you do so.

It must be the case that either you submit all of your team's files or your teammate submits all of your team's files. (It must not be the case that you submit some of your team's files and your teammate submits some of your team's files.) Your readme file and your source code files must contain your name and your teammate's name.

Your Task

Any university registrar's office must maintain data about courses and classes offered during the upcoming semester. Those data typically are kept in a database. The registrar's office must provide an interface that allows students and other interested parties to query the database.

Assume that you are working for Princeton's Registrar's Office. You are given a database containing data about courses and classes offered during an upcoming Princeton semester. (Actually the data are for the Spring 2010 semester.) Your task is to compose Python programs that allow Princeton students and other interested parties to query the database.

For this assignment your programs must have simple textual interfaces. The next assignment will ask you to enhance your programs in a few ways, perhaps most notably such that they have graphical user interfaces. So it will be to your advantage to modularize your code so you easily can replace the textual interfaces with graphical ones.

The Database

The database is a SQLite database that is stored in a file named reg.sqlite. That file is provided in the courselab /u/cos333/Asgt1Solution directory. The database consists of these five tables:

These are the relationships among the tables:

Your first step must be to familiarize yourself with the database.

The Program

You must compose two programs. The first program must be named

A reference program named ref_reg.pyc is available on courselab in the directory /u/cos333/Asgt1Solution. Your must have the same behavior as ref_reg.pyc. That is, when given the same command-line arguments and database, your and ref_reg.pyc must write exactly the same (character-for-character) output to stdout and stderr, and must have the same exit status. Run ref_reg.pyc to answer any questions that you might have about the desired behavior of your

Please don't download ref_reg.pyc. Instead, please run it on courselab. To do that, issue these commands:

$ cd /u/cos333/Asgt1Solution
$ python ref_reg.pyc arguments
Note: An alternative approach is to run ref_reg.pyc using these commands:
$ cd yourProjectDirectory
$ python /u/cos333/Asgt1Solution/ref_reg.pyc arguments
Why use that alternative approach? The ref_reg.pyc program uses the reg.sqlite file that is in the working directory. Using the first approach, ref_reg.pyc uses the reg.sqlite file that is in the /u/cos333/Asgt1Solution directory. You don't control that file. Using the alternative approach, ref_reg.pyc uses the reg.sqlite file that is in your project directory. You control that file; you can delete it or corrupt it at will. Thereby you can observe the behavior of ref_reg.pyc when reg.sqlite is missing or has been corrupted.

You must run ref_reg.pyc to determine the desired behavior of your Here are some highlights of that behavior...

When executed via a command that contains -h as a command-line argument, your must display a help message:

$ python -h
usage: [-h] [-d dept] [-n num] [-a area] [-t title]

Registrar application: show overviews of classes

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -d dept     show only those classes whose department contains dept
  -n num      show only those classes whose course number contains num
  -a area     show only those classes whose distrib area contains area
  -t title    show only those classes whose course title contains title
Hint: Use the standard Python argparse module.

These example commands describe how your must behave when given proper command-line arguments. Give them a try using ref_reg.pyc:

In short, your must display the classid, dept, coursenum, area, and title of each class that matches the criteria specified by the user via command-line arguments.

Your must use SQL prepared statements to protect the database against SQL injection attacks.

Your must write its output in a human-readable format. These are some salient characteristics of the output:

Normally your must terminate with exit status 0. If it detects a database-related error, then it must terminate with exit status 1. If it detects erroneous command-line arguments, then it must terminate with exit status 2 — as is the default behavior of argparse.

Hint: Use the Python percent (%) operator and C-style conversion specifications to format each row of output. An expression of this form works:
row = '%5s %4s %6s %4s %s' % (classid, dept, coursenum, area, title)
(There are other reasonable approaches; but given your knowledge from COS 217 of the C language and its printf() conversion specifications, that approach is likely to be the most straightforward for you.)

Then, having generated each row, use the standard Python textwrap module to wrap it to lines. Within each row, lines after the first must be indented using 5+1+4+1+6+1+4+1=23 spaces.

Hint: Consider the fact that a SQL statement of this form:
SELECT somefields FROM sometable WHERE somefield LIKE '%'
has the same semantics as a SQL statement of this form:
SELECT somefields FROM sometable
That fact could help you to express the logic in your more succinctly.

The Program

Your second program must be named

A reference program named ref_regdetails.pyc is available on courselab in the directory /u/cos333/Asgt1Solution. Your must have the same behavior as ref_regdetails.pyc. That is, when given the same command-line arguments and database, your and ref_regdetails.pyc must write exactly the same (character-for-character) output to stdout and stderr, and must have the same exit status. Run ref_regdetails.pyc to answer any questions that you might have about the desired behavior of your

Please don't download ref_regdetails.pyc. Instead, please run it on courselab. To do that, issue these commands:

$ cd /u/cos333/Asgt1Solution
$ python ref_regdetails.pyc arguments
Note: An alternative approach is to run ref_regdetails.pyc using these commands:
$ cd yourProjectDirectory
$ python /u/cos333/Asgt1Solution/ref_regdetails.pyc SOMEPORT
The ref_regdetails.pyc program uses the reg.sqlite file that is in the working directory. Using the first approach, ref_regdetails.pyc uses the reg.sqlite file that is in the /u/cos333/Asgt1Solution directory. You don't control that file. Using the alternative approach, ref_regdetails.pyc uses the reg.sqlite file that is in your project directory. You control that file; you can delete it or corrupt it at will. Thereby you can observe the behavior of ref_regdetails.pyc when reg.sqlite is missing or has been corrupted.

You must run ref_regdetails.pyc to determine the desired behavior of your Here are some highlights of that behavior...

When executed via a command that contains -h as a command-line argument, your must display a help message:

$ python -h
usage: [-h] classid

Registrar application: show details about a class

positional arguments:
  classid     the id of the class whose details should be shown

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
Hint: Use the the standard Python argparse module.

When executed via a command that contains a valid classid, your must write to stdout the courseid, days, starttime, endtime, bldg, roomnum, dept(s), coursenum(s), area, title, descrip, prereqs, and profname(s) for the class with the given classid. These commands illustrate. Give them a try using ref_regdetails.pyc:

$ python 8321
$ python 9032
$ python 8293
$ python 9977
$ python 9012
$ python 10188

Your must use SQL prepared statements to protect the database against SQL injection attacks.

Your must write its data in a human-readable format. These are some salient characteristics of that format:

Normally your must terminate with exit status 0. If it detects a database-related error, or if no class has the specified classid, then it must terminate with exit status 1. If it detects erroneous command-line arguments, then it must terminate with exit status 2 — as is the default behavior of argparse.

Hint: Use the standard Python textwrap module to wrap each row to lines.

Hint: Consider whether it's reasonable (or even possible!) to retrieve all required data from the database by executing a single SQL SELECT statement. Consider whether it's more reasonable to retrieve the required data by executing multiple SQL SELECT statements.

Error Handling

Your and must be robust.

Your must handle erroneous command-line arguments gracefully. These commands illustrate. Give them a try using ref_reg.pyc:

$ python a qr
$ python -A qr
$ python "-a " qr
$ python -a qr st
$ python -a
$ python -a qr -d
$ python -a -d cos
$ python -x

Your must handle erroneous command-line arguments gracefully. These commands illustrate. Give them a try using ref_regdetails.pyc:

$ python
$ python 8321 9032
$ python abc123
$ python 9034

Your and must handle "database cannot be opened" errors. If the database cannot be opened, then your programs must write a descriptive error message — the one contained within the thrown Exception object — to their stderr.

Your and also must handle "corrupted database" errors. In the context of this course, a corrupted database is one that causes the database driver, upon interaction with the database, to throw an exception. In the case of SQLite, a corrupted database might consist of an invalid SQLite file — for example, a file that's empty or contains simple text. More generally, a corrupted database might be a database that is missing a table that the interaction requires, or is missing a column/field that the interaction requires. If the database is corrupted such that the SQLite driver's execution of a SELECT statement throws an exception, then your programs must write a descriptive error message — the one contained within the thrown Exception object — to their stderr.

Good Question from Student During a Recent Semester

Suppose the user runs for a particular classid, the program queries the classes table to find the corresponding courseid, and the program then queries the database to fetch the row in the courses table with that courseid. Furthermore, suppose the database is corrupted such that no row with that courseid exists in the courses table. Should our handle that particular database corruption error?


No. Your grader won't test your program on that error. Generalizing...

Database management systems can enforce foreign key integrity constraints on the databases that they manage. So any DBMS would not allow its databases to contain the kind of violation that the student described. And so client programs would not need to check for such violations.

That's a very good thing. With a richer database, it would be very difficult for a client program systematically to check for foreign key integrity constraint violations. And it would be absurdly redundant for every client program to check for such violations.

So it's more realistic to compose your and such that they don't check for foreign key integrity constraint violations. And so it's fine to compose your programs such that they check for only the kinds of database-related errors that are described in this specification: file-level errors and schema-level errors. The first easily could happen if the reg.sqlite file is missing from the working directory. The second could happen if, for example, the reg.sqlite file is present but empty.

Each error message written by your must be prefixed with sys.argv[0] (which is normally but not necessarily "") followed by a colon and a space. Similarly, each error message written by your must be prefixed with sys.argv[0] (which is normally but not necessarily "") followed by a colon and a space.


We'll cover software testing techniques in lectures later in the semester. In the meantime, to test your programs it will be sufficient to rely upon (1) your knowledge of testing from the COS 217 course, and (2) this A Software Testing Taxonomy document.

Test your and by (1) reviewing this assignment specification thoroughly, making sure that your programs conform to every aspect of it, and (2) comparing the behavior of your programs with the behavior of the reference programs.

Boundary Testing

Focus on boundary (alias corner case) testing. Of course, make sure that your programs handle normal data. But also make sure that your programs handle unusual data: courses that have multiple cross-referenced departments/numbers, long titles, long descriptions, multiple professors, no professors, and so forth. Also make sure that your programs handle errors: erroneous command-line arguments, database cannot be opened, corrupted database, and so forth.

Statement Testing

Also focus on statement (alias coverage) testing. Your tests should cause every statement of your and to be executed.

You're encouraged, but not required, to use the Python coverage tool to generate a coverage report showing which lines of your programs have and have not been executed by your tests. These are the steps:

  1. Repeatedly issue commands of the form python -m coverage run -p arguments. Each of those commands runs your with the specified arguments, and generates a coverage report in a file named .coverageX (for some X). The report indicates which lines of your were executed and which were not.
  2. Repeatedly issue commands of the form python -m coverage run -p argument. Each of those commands runs your with the specified argument, and generates a coverage report in a file named .coverageX (for some X). The report indicates which lines of your were executed and which were not.
  3. Issue the command python -m coverage combine to combine the coverage reports generated by steps 1 and 2 into one large coverage report in a file named .coverage.
  4. Issue the command python -m coverage html to use the .coverage file to generate a human-readable report as a set of HTML documents in a directory named htmlcov.
  5. Browse to htmlcov/index.html to check the report.
  6. The files in your htmlcov directory should show that 100% of your programs' lines were executed. If the report doesn't show 100% coverage, then we recommend that you revise your testing plan accordingly, delete the .coverage* files and the htmlcov directory, and repeat steps 1 through 5.

Incidentally, if you're clever you could use your and programs, as described in the next section of this document, to generate your coverage report.

Test Automation

Use the given programs /u/cos333/Asgt1Solution/ and /u/cos333/Asgt1Solution/ to automate your testing.

Your first step should be to study those programs. Then issue these commands on courselab to make your own copies of them:

cd yourProjectDirectory
cp /u/cos333/Asgt1Solution/ .
cp /u/cos333/Asgt1Solution/ .

Issue these commands on courselab to automate testing of your

# Run on your, and save the output in a file named out1.
python > out1 2>&1

# Run on the given ref_reg.pyc, and save the output in a file named out2.
python /u/cos333/Asgt1Solution/ref_reg.pyc > out2 2>&1

# Edit out2, deleting every occurrence of "/u/cos333/Asgt1Solution/".
sed -i 's\/u/cos333/Asgt1Solution/\\g' out2

# Edit out2, changing every occurrence of "ref_reg.pyc" to "".
sed -i 's\ref_reg.pyc\\g' out2

# Compare the contents of out1 and out2.
diff out1 out2
The diff command should generate no output, thus indicating that the out1 and out2 files are identical.

Thereafter, edit your copy of to add additional tests, and repeat that command sequence

Similarly, issue these commands on courselab to automate testing of your

# Run on your, and save the output in a file named out1.
python > out3 2>&1

# Run on the given ref_regdetails.pyc, and save the output in a file named out4.
python /u/cos333/Asgt1Solution/ref_regdetails.pyc > out4 2>&1

# Edit out4, deleting every occurrence of "/u/cos333/Asgt1Solution/".
sed -i 's\/u/cos333/Asgt1Solution/\\g' out4

# Edit out4, changing every occurrence of "ref_regdetails.pyc" to "".
sed -i 's\ref_regdetails.pyc\\g' out4

# Compare the contents of out3 and out4.
diff out3 out4

The diff command should generate no output, thus indicating that the out3 and out4 files are identical.

Thereafter, edit your copy of to add additional tests, and repeat that command sequence.

Hint: If you have trouble understanding the output of the diff out1 out2 command, then widen your terminal window and issue the command diff -y out1 out2. The output will be a side-by-side display of the two files, with markers denoting lines that differ. Same for diff out3 out4.

Program Style

Your programs must be well styled. Generally, by consensus of the Python community, good Python style is defined by the PEP 8 -- Style Guide for Python Code website.

The Python community has developed a static code analysis tool named pylint. The pylint tool is similar to the splint tool that you used in COS 217: just as splint (configured with a .splintrc file) generates a report critiquing the style of given C code, so pylint (configured with a .pylintrc file) generates a report critiquing the style of given Python code. The pylint tool enforces many of the PEP 8 guidelines, and some additional guidelines too. In COS 333 "good style" is defined by the pylint tool, as configured with the given .pylintrc file. The lecture example programs (with a few intentional or unavoidable exceptions) cause pylint to generate perfect reports, and your assignment programs should do the same.

Using pylint is easy. You can critique one file comprising your programs at a time:

python -m pylint
python -m pylint

However, a better approach is to critique all files comprising your programs at the same time:

python -m pylint ...

When given multiple files, pylint performs some cross-file critiquing. So the "all files at the same time" approach may generate warnings in addition to those generated by the "one file at a time" approach. Make sure you use the "all files at the same time" approach, as your grader will.



Compose a readme file. If you're working on the assignment alone, then the first line of your readme file must contain your Princeton netid, and nothing else. If you're working on the assignment with a teammate, then the first line of your readme file must contain your Princeton netid and your teammate's Princeton netid with an underscore between the two, and nothing else. That information in that format will help us to automate the process of determining who worked with whom.

Thereafter your readme file must contain:

Your readme file must be a plain text file. Don't create your readme file using Microsoft Word or any other word processor.

Submit your assignment files on courselab using these commands:

submit 1 readme
submit 1 anyFilesUsedByThatProgram
submit 1 anyFilesUsedByThatProgram

You're not required to submit your or your But if you do submit them, then your grader will comment on them briefly.

As noted above in the Rules section, it must be the case that either you submit all of your team's files or your teammate submits all of your team's files. (It must not be the case that you submit some of your team's files and your teammate submits some of your team's files.) You may submit multiple times; we'll grade the latest files that you submit.

Please follow the rules on what to submit. It will be a big help to us if you get the filenames right and submit exactly what's asked for. Thanks.


Assume that your grader already has activated the cos333 virtual environment before he/she runs your programs. The document from the first lecture entitled A COS 333 Computing Environment describes the cos333 virtual environment.

Your grade will be based upon:

Ten points (that is, ten percent) of your grade will be based upon the quality of your program style as reported by pylint. Your grader will start with the 10-point score reported by pylint. Your grader then will "round down" that score to the 0.5 level to compute your program style grade. For example, if your pylint score is 9.8, then your program style grade will be 9.5; if your pylint score is 7.4, then your program style grade will be 7.0.

If your code fails the tests on some particular functionality, then your grader won't be able to inspect your code manually to try to assign partial credit for that functionality. So please make sure your code behaves properly.

Copyright © 2024 by Robert M. Dondero, Jr.