![]() Princeton University
Computer Science 217
Spring 2019 |
Introduction to programming systems, including modular programming, advanced program design, programming style, test, debugging and performance tuning; machine languages and assembly language; and use of system call services.
MW 10:00AM-10:50AM, CS Building 104
To make the lectures more interactive, we will be using iClickers. Any hardware version is suitable.
Please direct questions concerning your precept assignment to Colleen Kenny, the CS Department's Undergraduate Coordinator. Colleen's contact information is provided later on this page. The course's professor, lead preceptors, and graduate student preceptors do not manage precept assignments.
Number | Meeting Time | Meeting Place | Preceptor |
1 | MW 1:30PM-2:20PM | Friend Center 111 | Robert Dondero |
2A | MW 3:30PM-4:20PM | Friend Center 110 | Robert Dondero |
3 | TTh 12:30PM-1:20PM | Friend Center 111 | Seo Young Kyung |
4 | TTh 1:30PM-2:20PM | Friend Center 111 | Xiaoyan Li |
5 | TTh 3:30PM-4:20PM | Friend Center 111 | James Heppenstall |
6 | TTh 7:30PM-8:20PM | Friend Center 111 | Josh Zhang |
Szymon Rusinkiewicz, Ph.D. : CS Building 406 : smr@cs.princeton.edu
Office Hours: M 11:00AM and W 11:00AM in CS Building 406
Robert Dondero, Ph.D. : Corwin Hall 038 : rdondero@cs.princeton.edu
Office Hours: M 4:30PM, M 5:30PM, W 4:30PM, and W 5:30PM in Corwin Hall 038
Please excuse me if I'm a little late arriving to my 4:30PM office hours. I teach a 3:30PM precept in another building, so some travel time is involved.
On Mondays and Wednesdays I have meetings at 6:30PM. However, by request, I usually can continue my office hours on those days starting at 7:30PM.
Xiaoyan Li, Ph.D. : 221 Nassau Street, Room 104 : xiaoyan@cs.princeton.edu
Office Hours: T 11:00AM and Th 11:00AM in 221 Nassau Street, Room 104
James Heppenstall : jwmh@princeton.edu
Office Hours: M 7:30PM and W 7:30PM in Friend Center 010
Seo Young Kyung : skyung@princeton.edu
Office Hours: F 11:00AM and F 12:00noon in Friend Center 010
Josh Zhang : jiashuoz@princeton.edu
Office Hours: T 8:30PM and Th 8:30PM in Friend Center 111
Tom Colen : tcolen@princeton.edu
Jamie Guo : jamieguo@princeton.edu
Frankie Lam : slflam@princeton.edu
Ryan McCaffrey : rm24@princeton.edu
Vinay Ramesh : vramesh@princeton.edu
Nalin Ranjan : nranjan@princeton.edu
Lauren Tang : lt7@princeton.edu
Christopher Ye : czye@princeton.edu
Murilo Zanarella : muriloz@princeton.edu
Lily Zhang : llzhang@princeton.edu
Colleen Kenny : CS Building 210 : ckenny@cs.princeton.edu
Available in rooms Lewis Library 121 and Lewis Library 122. A lab teaching assistant schedule provides details.
COS 126. More specifically, you should have substantial programming experience using some high-level programming language such as Java. Prior experience with the C programming language is helpful but not essential.
The course uses these textbooks and manuals:
C Programming: A Modern Approach (Second Edition), K. N. King, Norton & Co. 2008. The book covers the C programming language and advanced C programming.
That book is available in the University bookstore and is on reserve in the Engineering Library.
ARM 64-bit Assembly Language, Larry Pyeatt with William Ughetta. The book covers the ARMv8 assembly language.
That book is available for purchase through Pequod.
The Practice of Programming, Brian W. Kernighan and Rob Pike, Addison-Wesley 1999. The book covers program and programming style. Many of the lectures in the first half of the course are derived, in part, from this book.
Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective (Third Edition), Randal E. Bryant and David R. O'Hallaron, Prentice-Hall 2015. The book covers computer systems from the point of view of a C programmer. In particular, it covers x86-64 architecture and assembly language and the Linux operating system. The most important chapters of the book are available through Blackboard in the Course Materials section.
Those books are available in the University bookstore and are on reserve in the Engineering Library.
Linux Pocket Guide, Daniel J. Barrett, O'Reilly 2012 (or 2004). The book covers the most fundamental aspects of the Linux operating system and the Bash shell from the user's point of view. One important section of the book is available through Blackboard in the Course Materials section.
The course uses these manuals, for reference only:
Please study the course Policies, especially those regarding collaboration on assignments.