/*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* dfa.c */ /* Author: Bob Dondero */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "dynarray.h" #include #include #include #include #include /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* The name of the executable binary file. */ static const char *pcPgmName; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* A Token object can be either a number or a word. */ enum TokenType {TOKEN_NUMBER, TOKEN_WORD}; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* A Token is either a number or a word, expressed as a string. */ struct Token { /* The type of the token. */ enum TokenType eType; /* The string which is the token's value. */ char *pcValue; }; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Call malloc(uiBytes) and return the result. Check for heap exhaustion. */ static void *safeMalloc(size_t uiBytes) { void *pv = malloc(uiBytes); if (pv == NULL) { perror(pcPgmName); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return pv; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Call realloc(pv, uiBytes) and return the result. Check for heap exhaustion. */ static void *safeRealloc(void *pv, size_t uiBytes) { pv = realloc(pv, uiBytes); if (pv == NULL) { perror(pcPgmName); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return pv; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Call DynArray_new(iLength) and return the result. Check for heap exhaustion. */ static DynArray_T safeDynArrayNew(int iLength) { DynArray_T oDynArray; oDynArray = DynArray_new(iLength); if (oDynArray == NULL) { perror(pcPgmName); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return oDynArray; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Call DynArray_add(oDynArray, pvElement). Check for heap exhaustion. */ static void safeDynArrayAdd(DynArray_T oDynArray, const void *pvElement) { assert(oDynArray != NULL); if (! DynArray_add(oDynArray, pvElement)) { perror(pcPgmName); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* If no lines remain in psFile, then return NULL. Otherwise read a line of psFile and return it as a string. The string does not contain a terminating newline character. The caller owns the string. */ static char *readLine(FILE *psFile) { enum {INITIAL_LINE_LENGTH = 2}; enum {GROWTH_FACTOR = 2}; int iLineLength = 0; int iPhysLineLength = INITIAL_LINE_LENGTH; char *pcLine; int iChar; assert(psFile != NULL); /* If no lines remain, return NULL. */ if (feof(psFile)) return NULL; iChar = fgetc(psFile); if (iChar == EOF) return NULL; /* Allocate memory for the string. */ pcLine = (char*)safeMalloc((size_t)iPhysLineLength); /* Read characters into the string. */ while ((iChar != '\n') && (iChar != EOF)) { if (iLineLength == iPhysLineLength) { iPhysLineLength *= GROWTH_FACTOR; pcLine = (char*)safeRealloc(pcLine, (size_t)iPhysLineLength); } pcLine[iLineLength] = (char)iChar; iLineLength++; iChar = fgetc(psFile); } /* Append a null character to the string. */ if (iLineLength == iPhysLineLength) { iPhysLineLength++; pcLine = (char*)safeRealloc(pcLine, (size_t)iPhysLineLength); } pcLine[iLineLength] = '\0'; return pcLine; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Print all tokens in oTokens to stdout. First print the number tokens; then print the word tokens. */ static void printTokens(DynArray_T oTokens) { int i; int iLength; struct Token *psToken; assert(oTokens != NULL); iLength = DynArray_getLength(oTokens); printf("Numbers: "); for (i = 0; i < iLength; i++) { psToken = DynArray_get(oTokens, i); if (psToken->eType == TOKEN_NUMBER) printf("%s ", psToken->pcValue); } printf("\n"); printf("Words: "); for (i = 0; i < iLength; i++) { psToken = DynArray_get(oTokens, i); if (psToken->eType == TOKEN_WORD) printf("%s ", psToken->pcValue); } printf("\n"); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Free all of the tokens in oTokens. */ static void freeTokens(DynArray_T oTokens) { int i; int iLength; struct Token *psToken; assert(oTokens != NULL); iLength = DynArray_getLength(oTokens); for (i = 0; i < iLength; i++) { psToken = DynArray_get(oTokens, i); free(psToken->pcValue); free(psToken); } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Create and return a token whose type is eTokenType and whose value consists of string pcValue. The caller owns the token. */ static struct Token *newToken(enum TokenType eTokenType, char *pcValue) { struct Token *psToken; assert(pcValue != NULL); psToken = (struct Token*)safeMalloc(sizeof(struct Token)); psToken->eType = eTokenType; psToken->pcValue = (char*)safeMalloc(strlen(pcValue) + 1); strcpy(psToken->pcValue, pcValue); return psToken; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Lexically analyze string pcLine. If pcLine contains a lexical error, then return NULL. Otherwise return a DynArray object containing the tokens in pcLine. The caller owns the DynArray object and the tokens that it contains. */ static DynArray_T lexLine(const char *pcLine) { /* lexLine() uses a DFA approach. It "reads" its characters from pcLine. The DFA has these three states: */ enum LexState {STATE_START, STATE_IN_NUMBER, STATE_IN_WORD}; /* The current state of the DFA. */ enum LexState eState = STATE_START; /* An index into pcLine. */ int iLineIndex = 0; /* Pointer to a buffer in which the characters comprising each token are accumulated. */ char *pcBuffer; /* An index into the buffer. */ int iBufferIndex = 0; char c; struct Token *psToken; DynArray_T oTokens; assert(pcLine != NULL); /* Create an empty token DynArray object. */ oTokens = safeDynArrayNew(0); /* Allocate memory for a buffer that is large enough to store the largest token that might appear within pcLine. */ pcBuffer = (char*)safeMalloc(strlen(pcLine) + 1); for (;;) { /* "Read" the next character from pcLine. */ c = pcLine[iLineIndex++]; switch (eState) { /* Handle the START state. */ case STATE_START: if (c == '\0') { free(pcBuffer); return oTokens; } else if (isdigit(c)) { pcBuffer[iBufferIndex++] = c; eState = STATE_IN_NUMBER; } else if (isalpha(c)) { pcBuffer[iBufferIndex++] = c; eState = STATE_IN_WORD; } else if (isspace(c)) eState = STATE_START; else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid line\n"); free(pcBuffer); freeTokens(oTokens); DynArray_free(oTokens); return NULL; } break; /* Handle the IN_NUMBER state. */ case STATE_IN_NUMBER: if (c == '\0') { /* Create a NUMBER token. */ pcBuffer[iBufferIndex] = '\0'; psToken = newToken(TOKEN_NUMBER, pcBuffer); safeDynArrayAdd(oTokens, psToken); iBufferIndex = 0; free(pcBuffer); return oTokens; } else if (isdigit(c)) { pcBuffer[iBufferIndex++] = c; eState = STATE_IN_NUMBER; } else if (isspace(c)) { /* Create a NUMBER token. */ pcBuffer[iBufferIndex] = '\0'; psToken = newToken(TOKEN_NUMBER, pcBuffer); safeDynArrayAdd(oTokens, psToken); iBufferIndex = 0; eState = STATE_START; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid line\n"); free(pcBuffer); freeTokens(oTokens); DynArray_free(oTokens); return NULL; } break; /* Handle the IN_WORD state. */ case STATE_IN_WORD: if (c == '\0') { /* Create a WORD token. */ pcBuffer[iBufferIndex] = '\0'; psToken = newToken(TOKEN_WORD, pcBuffer); safeDynArrayAdd(oTokens, psToken); iBufferIndex = 0; free(pcBuffer); return oTokens; } else if (isalpha(c)) { pcBuffer[iBufferIndex++] = c; eState = STATE_IN_WORD; } else if (isspace(c)) { /* Create a WORD token. */ pcBuffer[iBufferIndex] = '\0'; psToken = newToken(TOKEN_WORD, pcBuffer); safeDynArrayAdd(oTokens, psToken); iBufferIndex = 0; eState = STATE_START; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid line\n"); free(pcBuffer); freeTokens(oTokens); DynArray_free(oTokens); return NULL; } break; default: assert(0); } } } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* A "number" consists of decimal digit characters, and a "word" consists of alphabetic characters. Read a line from stdin. If the line contains a non-number or a non-word, then write an error message to stderr and reject the line. Otherwise write to stdout each number that the line contains followed by each word that the line contains. Repeat until EOF. Return 0 iff successful. As always, argc is the command-line argument count and argv is an array of command-line arguments. */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *pcLine; DynArray_T oTokens; pcPgmName = argv[0]; printf("------------------------------------\n"); while ((pcLine = readLine(stdin)) != NULL) { oTokens = lexLine(pcLine); if (oTokens != NULL) { printTokens(oTokens); freeTokens(oTokens); DynArray_free(oTokens); } printf("------------------------------------\n"); free(pcLine); } return 0; }