COS 426 - Computer Graphics
Spring 2012
Assignment 0: C++ programming / HTML / Dropbox
Due Thursday, Feb. 16, 11:59 PM
The purpose of this assignment is to ensure that you have a C++ compiler
installed, and are familiar with C++, HTML, and Dropbox. The assignment
will be worth a small, but nonzero, amount.
You will be beginning to work with the same code you will be using for
Assignment 1, which consists of an
image-processing program that you will modify (imgpro) and a
program (that you will use, not modify) for specifying pairs of lines to be
used as input for image warping (morphlines - see description here). Feel free to read the Assignment 1 description to understand where
you're headed, though the details of what you must implement are not yet
officially finalized.
Getting Started
Download the following skeleton code:
Read over 00README.txt to learn the functions of the different
files and directories.
- Read COMPILER.txt and install a C++ compiler on your development machine.
- If you are using Visual Studio, open the .sln file, and build the solution.
Otherwise, cd into the src directory, and type make. Stop here and ask
for help if you cannot successfully compile the imgpro and
morphlines programs.
- Implement the R2Image::Brighten method in R2Image.cpp. You will need to
read the R2Image.h and R2Pixel.h files to find out about the methods
implemented for these classes. For this assignment (and only this
assignment), you may consult with fellow students or TAs to understand how
to implement the required function.
- Recompile the code.
- Run your code. On Unix/Mac/Cygwin, change into the main assignment
directory (not the src/ subdirectory) and run make. With Visual Studio,
open the "Visual Studio Command Prompt", change into the main assignment
directory (not the src/ subdirectory) and run "nmake /f NMakefile".
Look for the output files in the output/ subdirectory.
- Edit writeup.html to add a description of, and links to, the images
you just created. Open writeup.html in a web browser to see the webpage.
- Create a .zip file containing the items to be submitted (see
below), and submit it at the Dropbox link below.
This assignment is due Thursday, February 16, 2012 at 11:59 PM.
Please see the general
notes on submitting your assignments, as well as the
late policy and the
collaboration policy.
Please submit a single .zip file named
[your NetID]_cos426_assignment0.zip
- your writeup.html, containing links to all result images
and a description of your implementation;
- your complete output/ and modified src/ directory
trees. Please submit images in .jpg format, and remove binaries
and object files from the source tree (i.e., leaving only source code).
To do this, run make clean or execute "Clean Solution" from the
build menu in Visual Studio.
The Dropbox link to submit your assignment is
Note that you are expected to use good programming style at all times,
including meaningful variable names, a comment or three describing what the
code is doing, etc. We will test your code by running make in
your src/ subdirectory, followed by make in the main
assignment directory to create the output images. Please ensure that your
code builds/runs in this way.
Last update
9-Feb-2012 11:45:09
smr at princeton edu