COS 325 Final Projects
First, a Little History:
- A Famous Production Company (Tom and Andy)
resulted from this class
- Charlie
Sullivan's Rock and Roll Guitar Model created quite a
- Lars Graf wrote MINC
- Kent Dickey wrote RT
- Dan Iglesia got into the graduate
composition program at Columbia University
- Many, Many More ...
Transforming Reality Final Project Guidelines
Complete it by yourself (no
Open book, notes, any other materials you want to use.
Due Dean's Date, May, submitted as a structured web page (see below).
Whatever you decide to do, you must write it up like a mini
independent work project.
- What you did
- Why you did it
- How you did it
- Results
- References: When you propose your project, you will
be assigned at least two technical papers on the topic.
These might be directly or peripherally related. You
should find a few more references of your own that
relate to and inform your work. References you cite
might also include web pages, code examples, etc.
Make a web page with the report, modified code, example score
files, example sound files (for input and output), and
A 3 minute "composition" that shows off your new tool, discovery,
data, project.
There should be a 200 word "program note" for the
piece, describing the aesthetic and technical underpinnings.
A Few Ideas:
- Noise is beautiful: Study the noise components in sounds. Use the phase
vocoder, LPC, and other tools to characterize, model, manipulate, synthesize,
and resynthesize some sounds that have interesting noise and non-noise components.
Examples: breathy/creaky speech, flutes and other wind instruments, others.
Write a piece.
- Spectral file format flunging: Adapt pv, lpc, or MATLAB versions of those to use
the Spectral Description Interchange Format file spec. Analyze a set of interesting
sounds, publish the SDIF files. Write a piece.
- Score file format flunging: Adapt STK/SKINI or your own scorefile format to
transmit/receive via Open Sound Control. Or, make up your own score file format.
Write a "compiler" in Yacc. Write a piece.
- New scales and tuning systems: John Pierce invented the "tritave" and
defined a new "Pierce Scale." Others have done scales/chords based on the
Golden Mean. Dream up a new scale, rationalize it (explain it), do some
musical examples that show it off, and ,of course: Write a new piece in it.
- Investigate, use, exploit, perturb, and use, Binaural, Surround, 5.1, 7.1, 14.2,
Ambisonics, and other spatial sound formats/techniques. Write a piece.
- Pick an existing physical model to mess up in purposed and meaningful ways
(ala Charlie Sullivan). Write a piece.
- Model an instrument that hasn't been done (well) yet. Write a piece.
- Systematically study and mess with directional instrument body filter
impulse responses/transfer functions. Dan Trueman and I made a big
database of these (NBody) long ago that still holds many treasures to
be discovered.
- Look at directional transfer functions, both theory and experimental,
of wind instruments (the voice too). I've got some data, and we can figure
out some more.
- Look at, research deeply, etc. the sounds made by one particular
species of animals/bugs/etc. Make a pitch detector optimized for bird
calls, or fly buzzing (this is a real research project at Princeton),
or other. Write a piece.
- Research and implement a really good real-time pitch detector. Write
a Piece (or record you doing a live piece that uses your new detector).
- Research and implement a really good real-time beat follower, that
not only can "tap its foot" but give a good indicator of how strong the
beat is. Write a Piece (or record you doing a live piece that uses
your new detector).
- More coming.....
- Propose your own (make sure we agree).
EMail to a pointer to the completed web page
a pointer to your materials, not your materials), by 5:00PM on May 15.