Assignment 5
Due Monday, April 13, in class.
A) Begin to think very seriously about your final project.
You are encouraged to do something unrelated to your
midterm projects. Look here for some ideas.
You may have your own of course. People have gotten pretty famous
based on their final projects in this class. Really.
B) Do a 32 second musical statement using LPC. You may use either
the fitlpc/lpcresyn code in the lpc directory, MATLAB built-in
LPC functions, or your own code. It is highly recommended that
you use a speech file (not necessarily human speech, cows do some
pretty good sounds), sampled at a maximum rate of 16k or so (this
makes sure that the LPC analysis isn't trying to model things we
don't really need for speech). Cross synthesis by using another
file for the excitation (rather than the residual or parametric
excitation) is quite fun, and artistic. Make a talking flute or
something if you like.
Upload to your usual place by class time on April 13th.