Wed May 7 16:19:32 EDT 2008
This page reiterates what you have to submit by Dean's Date, Tuesday May 13.
Your final submission must include
All documentation should be written in good English, and be free of spelling and
grammar errors. It should be thorough but not exhaustive; the total
submitted documentation should not likely exceed 15 printed pages. I am
particularly interested in thoughtful and interesting reports, so don't
skimp on this part.
If your system is meant to run standalone on Windows, you can
include a self-installing executable or a zip file that contains all the
necessary files, along with any project files for the compiler you used.
You should test carefully to ensure that someone not in your group
can exercise all aspects of the system.
It will be a great help if you follow these directions and try to
make it easy for us to look at and play with your project. If things go
well, we tend to be happy; if things go badly, we get grumpy. Happy
graders tend to give better grades.
We will be experimenting with your system starting May 13,
so please make sure that it is up and stays running through
May 19. Someone has to monitor its behavior, and also respond
promptly to mail in case we have trouble. Thanks.
May 13 (Dean's date): Final submission
Everything must be submitted by 5 PM on this date, without exception.
Collect everything for submission in one place.
Be sure that your code is complete after it is copied to the
submission directory. We will be reading through your source code
to get an idea of what you did and how well it was done, so everything should
be there.
cd submission_directory
tar cf ../jdoe.tar .
cd ..
gzip jdoe.tar
~cos333/bin/submit 6 jdoe.tar.gz
The documentation must include the following:
The installation part is mostly to make sure that all the files you
created are included and there's enough of a roadmap that someone
really dedicated (not me) could get it installed on a new system; it's
partly a way to encourage you to be sure that you've included
everything that's needed, either directly because it's code you wrote,
or by reference if it's a big package like MySQL or some Java class
library. One way to be sure that you have provided enough code and
supporting info is to take your own installation package and move it
to another machine and install it yourself as if you were a new
developer. That's almost always a good check, and if that works, it
should be more than enough for us too.
The internals part is mostly to get you to think about an orderly
and compact description of the components and their interfaces,
striking a balance between too much detail and not enough.
Some groups present a single unified report, synthesized from the
thoughts of all group members. Other groups prefer to write separate
pieces of the report, since they focused on different project components
and learned different things. Either style or some mixture is fine,
but try to avoid too much repetition and "this was really interesting
and we learned a lot."
A working system:
We will be experimenting with your system starting on Dean's Date, so
you must provide us with some kind of access to a running version. If
the system is web-based, make sure it's up and running and we have
access to whatever passwords and other controls are necessary to play
with the system; that includes administrative rights if part of the
functionality involves administration. (We will try very hard not to
break things by inadvertent use of administrative rights.)