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COS 323 - Computing for the Physical and Social Sciences |
Spring 2005 |
Course home | Outline and lecture notes | Assignments |
Assignment 1: Image alignment
Handed out Feb 10, Due Feb 24.
Assignment 2: Solving linear systems
Handed out Mar 1, Due Mar 10.
Assignment 3: Integration
Handed out Apr 5, Due Apr 14.
Assignment 4: ODEs
Handed out Apr 19, Due Apr 28.
The assignments are due at 11:59 PM on the due date. You are given
3 free late days that you can use any time during the semester.
You may discuss assignments with others, but everything handed in must be
your own work. All code must be your own - you may not use code from your
classmates, the internet, or any other source.
Please submit your solutions to the programming assignments
electronically, by creating a .zip or .tar.gz
file containing your code, results, and a README and
attaching it to an email to
Alternatively, you may create a web page documenting your results
(please include a link to your code), and send me the URL.
Late Policy
Collaboration Policy
Submitting Your Work
Last update
29-Dec-2010 12:00:55
smr at princeton edu