Fun reserves the following keywords.
fun | in | let | while | do |
if | then | else | printint | ref |
not | int |
Program Structure
A program is a sequence of (mutually recursive) function declarations followed by the keyword in followed by an expression. A Fun compiler will expect there to be a single Fun program per file.
prog ::= fundecl ... fundecl in exp
Function Declaration Structure
A function declaration specifies the name of the function, its argument, argument type, return type and expression body. Functions are interpreted in call-by-value evaluation order. All functions must have different names (argument names may be repeated).
fundecl ::= fun id ( id : tp ) : tp = exp
Type Structure
The types are integers (int), n-ary tuples, single-argument/single-result function and references (ref). The ref constructor has higher precedence than the function type constructor (->). The function type constructor is right associative and the ref type constructor is left associative.
tp ::= int | <tp, ..., tp> | tp -> tp | tp ref | (tp)
Expression Structure
Expressions are evaluated in left-to-right order. Expression structure is given by the following BNF.
un ::= - | not | printint | ! | #i
bin ::= + | - | * | & | || | = | < | :=
exp ::= (exp) | id | num | exp; exp | un exp | exp bin exp | <exp, ..., exp> | exp ( exp )
| if exp then exp else exp | while exp do exp | let id = exp in exp | ref (exp : tp)
Fun has a strong type system with subtyping. The following sections define the typing rules for the language.
The judgment (tp1 < tp2) states that tp1 is a subtype of tp2.
tp < tp
tp1 < tp2 tp2 < tp3
tp1 < tp3
tp0 < tp0' ... tpn < tpn'
<tp0, ..., tpn> < <tp0', ..., tpn'>
(0 <= n < k)
<tp0, ..., tpn, ..., tpk> < <tp0, ..., tpn>
tp1' < tp1 tp2 < tp2'
tp1 -> tp2 < tp1' -> tp2'
tp < tp' tp' < tp
tp ref < tp' ref
Expression Typing
The judgment (G |-- exp : tp) states that expression exp has type tp in context G. A context G is a finite partial map from identifiers to types. The context "nil" is the empty context. The context G [x : tp] is the same as G except it maps identifier x to tp. The following rules define the expression typing judgement.
G |-- id : G(id)
G |-- num : int
G |-- exp1 : tp1 G |-- exp2 : tp2
G |-- exp1 ; exp2 : tp2
optype (un) = tp1-> tp2 G |-- exp : tp1
G |-- un exp : tp2
optype (bin) = tp1-> tp2 -> tp3 G |-- exp1 : tp1 G |-- exp2 : tp2
G |-- exp1 bin exp2 : tp3
G |-- exp0 : tp0 ... G |-- expn : tpn
G |-- <exp0, ..., expn> : <tp0, ..., tpn>
G |-- exp : <tp0, ..., tpn> (0 <= i <= n)
G |-- #i exp : tpi
G |-- exp1 : tp1 -> tp2 G |-- exp2 : tp1
G |-- exp1 exp2 : tp2
G |-- exp1 : int G |-- exp2 : tp G |-- exp3 : tp
G |-- if exp1 then exp2 else exp3 : tp
G |-- exp1 : int G |-- exp2 : <>
G |-- while exp1 do exp2 : <>
G |-- exp1 : tp1 G [x : tp1] |-- exp2 : tp2
G |-- let x = exp1 in exp2 : tp2
G |-- exp : tp
G |-- ref (exp : tp) : tp ref
G |-- exp : tp ref
G |-- ! exp : tp
G |-- exp1 : tp ref G |-- exp2 : tp
G |-- exp1 := exp2 : <>
G |-- exp : tp' tp' < tp
--------------------------- (subsumption rule)
G |-- exp : tp
The typeof function is defined by the following table.
operator | typeof (operator) |
- (unary) , not | int -> int |
printint | int -> <> |
+ , - (binary) , * , & , || , = , < | int -> int -> int |
Function Declaration Typing
G [id2 : tp1] |-- exp : tp2
G |-- (fun id1 ( id2 : tp1 ) : tp2 = exp) ==> id1 : tp1 -> tp2
Program Typing
contextof(fundecl1 ... fundecln) = G
G |-- fundecl1 ok ... G |-- fundecln ok G |-- exp : int
|-- fundecl1 ... fundecln in exp ok
1. None of the function declarations (fundecl1...fundecln) are allowed to declare the same function name (argument names may be repeated) and
2. contextof((fun id11 ( id12 : tp11 ) : tp12 = exp1) ... (fun idn1 ( idn2 : tpn1 ) : tpn2 = expn)) =
nil [id11 : tp11 -> tp12] ... [idn : tpn1 -> tpn2]