COS 429 - Computer Vision

Spring 2004

Course home Outline and lecture notes Assignments

Apr 29 Lecture notes for today are available.
Apr 27 Final project proposals due.

Course Description

An introduction to the concepts of 2D and 3D computer vision. Topics include: low-level image processing methods such as filtering and edge detection; segmentation and clustering; optical flow and tracking; shape reconstruction from stereo, motion, texture, and shading. Throughout the course, we also look at aspects of human vision and perception that guide and inspire computer vision techniques.

Prerequisites: Prerequisites for the course are COS 217 and COS 226. The course will require programming (in C, C++, and/or Matlab), as well as some background in data structures and linear algebra. Experience with signal processing, statistics, and/or computer graphics is useful but not necessary.

Grading: There will be four programming assignments worth a total of 65% of the final grade, as well as a final project worth 35%.

Meeting time/place

TTh 11:00-12:20, CS Building, room 102


Szymon Rusinkiewicz
CS Building, Room 405
smr at cs
Office hours: TTh 2-3

Guest Lecturer

Harpreet Sawhney
Sarnoff Corporation
hsawhney at sarnoff dot com


Nathaniel Dirksen
CS Building, Room 001B
ndirksen at cs
Office hours: M 1:30-3:30 (room 418b - Graphics Lab)

Undergrad Coordinator

Tina McCoy
CS Building, Room 410
tmmccoy at cs