COS 126

Linear Congruential Random
Number Generator
Programming Assignment

Due: Wednesday, 11:59pm

Implement C programs that can find the cycle length of a linear congruential random number generator, using Floyd's algorithm.

The terms in the problem statement are likely to be unfamiliar to you, but they are not difficult to understand and are described in detail below. In the end, this assignment involves only a few lines of C code. In order to complete it, you need to be able to write loops (for and while) and branch statements (if-else) in C.

For the purposes of this assignment, a linear congruential random number generator is defined in terms of four integers: the multiplicative constant a, the additive constant b, the starting point or seed c, and the modulus M. The purpose of the generator is to produce a sequence of integers between 0 and M-1 by starting with x0 = c and iterating:

xn+1 = (a * xn + b) % M

In C, the % operator means modulus or remainder: this keeps the iterates between 0 and M-1. For example, the following table shows the sequences that result for various choices of a, b, c, and M.

a b  c 


x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12
1 3 0 10  0 3


9 2


8 1


7 0  3 6
2 1 0 10  0 1


7 5


3 7


1 3 7 5
22 1 0 72  0 1 23 3 67 35 51 43 11 27 19 59 3
11 37 1 100  1 48


52 9


33 0


44 21 68  85
8 20 10 100  10 0


80 60


20 80


0 20 80  60

As with the linear feedback shift register that we discussed in lecture, these sequences are not random, but (for proper choices of the parameters) they exhibit many properties of random sequences. For small values of the parameters, the non-randomness is particularly evident: whenever we generate a value that we have seen before, we enter into a cycle, where we continually generate the same subsequence over and over again. In the first two examples above, the cycles are 0-3-6-9-2-5-8-1-4-7-0 and 1-3-7-5-1, of lengths 10 and 4, respectively. Since there are only M different possibilities, we always must enter such a cycle, but we want to avoid short cycles.

Your first task is to write a program to print out the sequence for small M. Your second task is to write a program to compute the cycle length for any M.

Part 1a: print iterates. Write a C program that reads in four integers (a, b, c, and M in this order) and prints out the first M values produced by the linear congruential random number generator for these parameters. Use a for loop and the following update formula:

x = (a * x + b) % M;

Part 1b: print iterates nicely.  Print the iterates in a nice table with 16 values per line and four characters per iterate. Use an if statement with the % operator to print a newline character after every 16 iterations. Use an appropriate printf() formatting instruction to get four characters per iterate. Assume that M is 1,000 or less so that this is a sufficient amount of space.

Name your program trace.c. Verify that it behaves as follows:

  % gcc trace.c
  % a.out
  11 37 1 100

    1  48  65  52   9  36  33   0  37  44  21  68  85  72  29  56
   53  20  57  64  41  88   5  92  49  76  73  40  77  84  61   8
   25  12  69  96  93  60  97   4  81  28  45  32  89  16  13  80
   17  24   1  48  65  52   9  36  33   0  37  44  21  68  85  72
   29  56  53  20  57  64  41  88   5  92  49  76  73  40  77  84
   61   8  25  12  69  96  93  60  97   4  81  28  45  32  89  16
   13  80  17  24

Perspective. In practice, we often want random integers in a small range, say between 0 and 9.  Typically we do so by using a large M in a linear congruential random number generator, and then use arithmetic to bring them down into a small range. For example, the leading digits of the first 50 terms in the sequence above are:

0 4 6 5 0 3 3 0 3 4 2 6 8 7 2 5 5 2 5 6 4 8 0 9 4 7 7 4 7 8 6 0 2 1 6 9 9 6 9 0 8 2 4 3 8 1 1 8 1 2
which is a random-looking sequence of integers between 0 and 9 (although the pattern repeats itself every 50 iterations).  But if we use this method for the last example above, we get stuck in the cycle
1 0 2 8 6 0 2 8 6 0 2 8 6 0 2 8 6 0 2 8 6 0 2 8 6 0 2 8 6 0 2 8 6 0 2 8 6 0 2 8 6 0 2 8 6 0 2 8 6 0

which is not a very random-looking sequence. This phenomenon can happen even for huge M, so we are interested in knowing that our choice of parameters does not lead to a small cycle. 

Floyd's algorithm. The second part of this assignment is to implement a method known as Floyd's algorithm for finding the cycle length or period. Floyd's algorithm consists of two phases: (i) find a point on the cycle, and (ii) compute the cycle length.

Part 2: compute the cycle length. Write a C program that reads in four integers (a, b, c, and M) and prints out the cycle length of the linear congruential random number generator for these parameters. (Warning: we no longer assume that M <= 1000, as shown in some of the examples below.)

The C while loop makes the first phase of Floyd's algorithm (finding a point of the cycle) easier to implement than to understand. You will be able to accomplish this by changing your for loop in trace.c to a while loop, defining a new variable for the fast generator, and making a few copies of the code that you have. The second phase requires another variable to count the number of steps, and another loop to go around the cycle.

Name your program cycle.c. Verify that it behaves as follows:
  % gcc cycle.c
  % a.out
  22 1 0 72
  Cycle length is 9.

  % a.out
  123 456 789 1000000
  Cycle length is 50000.

  % a.out
  124 456 789 1000000
  Cycle length is 250.

  % a.out
  78 60 89 129024
  Cycle length is 7.

Submission. Submit the following files: readme.txt, trace.c, and cycle.c.

This assignment was created by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.

Copyright © 2000 Robert Sedgewick