COS 496 - Computer Vision
Assignment #2
Spring, 2002
Course home
Due Tues. Mar. 5
I. Questions (20%)
- When we were discussing the Hough transform for lines, we saw that
parameterizing lines by slope and intercept led to a less uniform
parameterization than angle and distance from center. To analyse this
nonuniformity, assume that you are given 1000 lines (of random orientations)
and you must assign them to 5 buckets based on orientation.
- How many lines fall in each bucket if the buckets are assigned
uniformly based on angle?
- How many lines fall in each bucket if the buckets are assigned
uniformly based on slope? For concreteness, assume that
the slopes of the buckets are -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 and that
each line is assigned to the bucket that is nearest
to its slope.
- The finite size of an image implies that, on average, the length in pixels
of the visible portions of lines close to the image center C is greater
than that of lines distant from C. How does this bias the Hough
transform? How could you counter this bias?
II. Implementing Active Contours (60%)
Implement a system for evolving active contours. The system should be based
on the "greedy" algorithm described by Williams
and Shah. Compared to the original Kass, Witkin, and Terzopoulos
paper, this method simply performs a local search on the position of each
vertex, and greedily moves the vertex to the position that locally
minimizes energy.
The system should do the following:
- Read an image from disk.
- Compute the smoothed gradient of the image, and find the magnitude of
the gradient at each pixel.
- Obtain the initial position of a contour via user input. Use matlab's
getline function for this (if your version of matlab doesn't have
getline, you'll need getline.m and
getcurpt.m). You'll also need to round the
positions returned from getline to integers.
- If the distance between points in the curve is large, interpolate
to add extra points. You should probably aim for about 5 pixels between
- While a fraction greater than f of points move in an iteration:
- Compute the average distance between points along the snake
- For each point p:
- Define an n by n neighborhood around p.
- Compute the energy functional E (see below) at
each point in the neighborhood.
- Move p to the point with the minimum energy.
- If p moved away from its original position,
update the count of pixels that moved on this iteration.
The energy functional you use should be a combination of three terms:
E = alpha * Econt + beta * Ecurv + gamma * Eedge
- Econt is analogous to the first-derivative term in the
Kass-Witkin-Terzopoulos formulation, but should seek to keep points
spaced equally along the curve. Thus,
Econt = square( d_avg - distance(p[i], p[i-1]) )
where d_avg is the average distance between points in the curve.
- Ecurv is analogous to a second-derivative term, which seeks
to minimize curvature. The finite-difference approximation to the second
derivative is
Ecurv = square( magnitude(p[i-1] - 2*p[i] + p[i+1]) )
- Eedge is a term that tries to draw the snake towards edges, based
on gradient magnitude. Thus,
Eedge = - magnitude( gradient(I(x,y)) )
You should normalize the contributions of each term. That is, divide each
of Econt, Ecurv, and Eedge by the largest value
of that term within the neighborhood over which you are searching.
III. Evaluating your Implementation (20%)
The algorithm described above contains several different parameters:
- The amount of smoothing (i.e., the width of the Gaussian used in the
smoothed gradient computation)
- The size of the neighborhood searched
- The relative contributions of the different terms (alpha, beta, gamma)
- The fraction of points that move at which to stop iterating
Begin your experiments (with an image of your choosing) with the values:
- Gaussian of width 3 pixels
- Searching a 3x3 neighborhood (i.e., the current position of the point
plus its immediate horizontal, vertical, and diagonal neighbors).
- alpha = beta = gamma = 1
- Stop when 10% of the points move
Experiment with (and comment on) the effects of varying these parameters.
Moving Images
Choose one of our
image sequences,
run the active contour on the first image of the sequence (with manual
initialization), then run your code on each subsequent image, starting with
the position of the curve from the previous image.
IV. Extra Credit
- Gradually reduce the amount of blurring in the edge functional at
later iterations. Comment on the effects.
- Implement the "termination functional" described in the Kass, Witkin,
and Terzopoulos paper. Alternatively, implement some other energy term
that looks for corners in the image. Show us your results.
- Implement the logic in the Williams and Shah paper that looks for
local maxima in the curvature and sets beta to zero at those points.
This has the effect of allowing certain points along the curve to become
sharp corners.
This assignment is due Tuesday, March 5, 2002 at 11:59 PM Eastern
Standard Time. Please see the general
notes on submitting your assignments, as well as the
late policy and the
collaboration policy.
Please submit your code (as one or more .m files), the results of your code
on some sample images (using the best parameters you were able to find),
and a README or README.html file containing the answers to the questions in
part I, some comments on your experiments with different parameters, and
any implementation notes you would like us to know about. If you find
it more convenient to hand in the written portion of the assignment on
paper, that will be accepted as well.
Last update
12:05:14 29-Dec-2010