COS495 - Instructions for Using the Display Wall

I - Uploading Files

  1. Once you are done with your image, save it in (non-progressive) JPEG format.  In Photoshop when you do "Save As..." and select JPEG, you will be prompted with a "JPEG Options" dialog box; just make sure that the "Progressive" option is NOT selected.  Also, as we already announced in class, the size of the display wall is 6000x3000 pixels so you should probably make sure your final image is of that size.
  2. Save a copy of your image in your account (princeton or cs.princeton) so that you can access it over the network.
  3. Walk over to Rm 318b (the display wall lab).
  4. You will need the access code for the lab to get in.  If you do not have the access code, send email to Amal at (or ask one of your classmates).
  5. In the lab, you will need to use the PC right in front of you -- this is the only one with a monitor that has a huge "Donated By Intel" sticker on it.  This is the PC that controls the display wall.  When you're seated at this PC, on the table on your right you will find a "Display Wall Help" manual.  Most likely you won't need to use this, but it's there in case you need it.
  6. You can log on to any of the PCs in the lab using the username "vmmc" and a password that you'll find scribbled on the cover of the "Display Wall Help" manual, and also in the instructions inside the manual.  Usually username "vmmc" will already be logged on so you won't need to login again.
  7. Once at the PC that controls the display wall, you need to upload your files.  You should upload your files into the directory "cs495s02" -- the network drive U: is mapped to this directory (cs495s02 on visfs).  This folder is shared by the class and writable by everyone, so please be careful not to delete (or accidentally overwrite) any files in this folder.   In the "cs495s02" folder, I suggest that you create a subfolder (labeled with your username, perhaps) in which to copy all your files.
  8. You can upload your files by running SSH Secure FTP (which you'll find on the desktop) to get to your account.  (If you have put your image file(s) in your CS account, then you may alternatively map a network drive to \\newfs\<your-username> and copy your files over).  Remember to put all your files in "cs495s02/<your-subfolder>".

II - Displaying Image

  1. There is a program called "Dwall Control" running on the above-mentioned PC.  You will need to use this to control the wall.
  2. If the display wall is blank/dark, then it may either be in Standby mode or it may be Off.  If it's in Standby mode, you should be able to hear the (rather loud) hum of the machines from behind the wall.  If the wall seems "silent", then it's Off. 
  3. If the wall is Off, in the "Dwall Control" application, from the "Projectors" menu, select "On (power)" -- you will have to wait a few minutes for all the projectors behind the wall to turn on.
  4. Otherwise, if the wall is in Standby mode, in the "Dwall Control" application, from the "Projectors" menu, select "Standby (on/off)" to bring it out of Standby mode. You will need to wait a couple of minutes at this point. 
  5. In the "Dwall Control" application, from the "Tasks" menu, select "Start Wallscreen".  (Don't select "Start Wallscreen (Frist)" please!)
  6. Next, from the "Tasks" menu, select "Show Image".  This prompts you to select an image so you can browse to the appropriate folder in U:\\cs495s02\  and select your image.
  7. <Stare at the huge image for a while...>
  8. When you are done looking at your image, from the "Tasks" menu, select "Stop Wallscreen".
  9. Now, from the "Projectors" menu, select "Standby (on/off)" to put the wall back in Standby mode.
  10. If it is after 5-6pm and you expect that you might be the last person using the wall for the day, please turn the wall off.  NOTE: After you put the wall into Standby mode, you *must* wait 3-5 minutes (till the projectors have cooled) before you can turn the wall off.   To turn the wall off, from the "Projectors" menu, select "Off (power)".

If you have any questions, send Amal email (  You may also find the "Display Wall Help" manual useful . If you run into a serious problem with the wall (please don't!) the person in charge of the wall is Grant Wallace (in Rm 312).  Some of the screens in the wall do not work from time to time, i.e. they just stay blank  If this happens, just ignore it -- we will try to have everything working perfectly for the in-class presentations next Tuesday.