Princeton University
Computer Science Dept.

Computer Science 461
Computer Networks

Spring 2002

General Information | Assignments | Lectures

Course Summary

This course studies computer networks and the services built on top of them. Topics include packet-switch and multi-access networks, routing and flow control, congestion control and quality-of-service, Internet protocols (IP, TCP, BGP), the client-server model and RPC, elements of distributed systems (naming, security, caching) and the design of network services (multimedia, peer-to-peer networks, file and web servers, content distribution networks). Prerequisite: COS 217.

Administrative Information

Lectures: MW 1:30-2:50, Room: 105 CS Building

Professor: Larry Peterson

Office: 308 CS Building
Phone: 258-6077
Office Hours: Tuesday 2:00-4:00, or by appointment

Teaching Assistant: Andy Bavier

Office: 317 CS Building
Phone: 258-1796
Office Hours: Tu 3:30-5:00, Th 2:00-3:30

Discussion Forum: Course Blackboard (use your OIT login).


Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, Peterson and Davie (2nd edition). Morgan Kaufmann.


Attendance at lectures is expected but will not be recorded. Students are, however, fully responsible for all material presented in lectures. Class attendance is strongly recommended.

Due Dates:
Programs are due at 11:59 pm on the date specified. Assignments may be turned in up to one week late, at a penalty of 10% per day. Exceptions to these rules will be made only under exceptional circumstances, and then only with an appropriate written excuse.

Exams are scheduled in advance. Unless prior arrangements are made, a grade of zero will be recorded for missed exams.

Please monitor the newsgroup regularly because we will use it to make announcements. You are expected to be aware of any material posted by the Professor or TA.

The grade weighting for the semester will be:
Exams:  35%
Programing Assignments:  65%
These weights are subject to minor adjustments.