UNIX SHELL EXERCISES Create a file named "rand.c" that contains the following program, and compile it. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) printf("%d\n", rand() % 1000); return 0; } For exercises 1-7, describe what happens when you type the given commands. 1. phoenix.Princeton.EDU% more rand.c 2. phoenix.Princeton.EDU% a.out 3. phoenix.Princeton.EDU% mv a.out rand phoenix.Princeton.EDU% rand 4. phoenix.Princeton.EDU% rand > data.txt phoenix.Princeton.EDU% more data.txt 5. phoenix.Princeton.EDU% sort < data.txt phoenix.Princeton.EDU% sort -n < data.txt 6. phoenix.Princeton.EDU% sort -n < data.txt > data-sorted.txt phoenix.Princeton.EDU% more data-sorted.txt 7. phoenix.Princeton.EDU% rand | more phoenix.Princeton.EDU% rand | sort -n | more