The World Wide Web (WWW) is a collection of electronic pages scattered on computers across the world, which can be viewed using browsers such as Netscape. In Lab 2, you will explore the WWW in depth. For now, simply take a few minutes to look around and become comfortable with Netscape controls. Try out the menus and familiarize yourself with the options available.
If you've never used Netscape before, here are some brief hints:
This should bring you to the COS 111 homepage. Look around to see what information is available. You will use this page in the future to find specific deadlines, announcements, contact information and much more.
When you're ready, follow the link to this week's lab. (You may need to follow the "Labs" link first.) Now you should be looking at the online version of these Lab instructions. Using the links at the bottom of each page, find your way to this point in the lab and then put away your paper copy.
From this point on, you should always use Netscape to view these labs. In fact, we will never hand out a paper copy again! It is very important that you use the online version because it includes many links to helpful information and necessary files.
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