If you remember from last week, a web page is a text document written in a language called Hyper-Text Markup Language (HTML). In this lab, we'll be explaining how you can use this language to create your own page. Once you understand the basic techniques, however, you may want to revisit the design portion of last week's lab. Once you've learned what you can do, it is very important to decide what you should do!
HTML is an acronym for Hyper-Text Markup Language.
While Netscape can display text and image files by themselves, the only way to use text, images and links together is to write your pages in HTML and save them with the file extension ".html". Once you've done this, Netscape will know that it should look for and interpret HTML tags in your page.
It is important to realize that HTML is merely a text file. It uses tags (which you'll see very soon) in order to use links, images and so on. It is also important to remember to save the file with the extension ".html".
First, however, you need to learn how to use tags...
Tags are small codes within your HTML file that give special instructions to Netscape (or another HTML interpreter) about how to display your text. Tags begin with a left angle-bracket (<) have some name inside and end with a right angle-bracket (>). Some tags come in pairs and others stand by themselves. The paired tags will have one start tag (such as <h1>) and one matching end tag (</h1>). Last week, we gave the following example:
What you write in HTML | How it looks on your web page |
<i>dog</i> | dog |
In this example, the two tags around "dog" in the HTML code cause it to be italicized when it is interpreted by Netscape. This is an example of a tag that works in pairs. The first one tells Netscape to start italicizing all text. The second one (with the forward slash "/" before the "i") tells Netscape when to stop italicizing text. Generally, when you want to affect the way that a portion of text is displayed, you will surround it with a pair of start/stop tags.
Some tags, however do not have a stop version. One example is <br> which causes a line break:
What you write in HTML | How it looks on your web page |
The cat <br> sat on <br> the mat. | The cat sat on the mat. |
Because it has an instantaneous result, there is no need to use a stop tag. Once your interpreter has caused a line break, there is no reason to tell it to stop doing so.
In a few moments, you will learn how to use quite a few different tags. The number of them may seem overwhelming at first, but you can always refer back to these pages or other online guides if you cannot recall how to do something.
As you experiment with HTML, you will be creating at least one, and possibly more than one HTML file. Since HTML code is just a special kind of text, you can use Notepad to do this.
Keep the following things in mind as you create your web site:
As you develop your web page, you should frequently check its appearance in Netscape, rather than make a whole lot of additions or changes all at once and then take a peek. This approach will let you see the effect of each new addition or change right away, and help you quickly isolate the source of any problem you might see in your page. If you make a lot of changes at one time, it may be harder to blame a problem on any particular change.
Many students imagine that changes they make in their Notepad window should immediately show up in Netscape's view of the page. Well, perhaps they should but they won't. To see the effect of the most recent change you must first Save the file in Notepad, and then Reload the just-saved file in Netscape. It is very very likely that at some point during this lab you will be staring at your page in Netscape, jaws agape, wondering what in the world happened to that thing you just typed in Notepad. When this happens, just smack yourself on the forehead and go Save and Reload. It is sometimes necessary, for reasons unknown to Headquarters, to hold down the shift key when you click on Reload.
In a very similar vein, a folder may not show you the latest file you created unless you press View | Refresh.
Finally, you might think that if you start up a new copy of Netscape, you will certainly see the newest version of any page you visit. Alas, this isn't so. You may end up looking at an out-of-date version which Netscape in its wisdom keeps around in a special computer-closet of its own (there are good reasons for this). To be absolutely sure you're looking at the latest version, rely on Reload.
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