Since you have been saving your files onto your network drive all along, there is nothing to transfer this week. Be sure, however, that you have not accidentally saved anything onto the Desktop or C drive. If you have, then copy them over to your network drive and then delete the old copies.
Once you are sure that all of your files are in the correct place, view your web page in Netscape by opening the following location: username with your username). If you already had a homepage and did not name your file "index.html", then ask a TA to help you determine the correct URL.
Be sure that your page works perfectly. In order to receive a good grade, you must have all of the items listed on Page 9.
When you are sure that your page is displaying correctly, send an email to , telling us the URL of your page.. That URL should be "" if you named your main page "index.html".
As usual:
If you've completed the lab, sent your email to and transferred your work to your Unix account, then you are finished and free to go. Don't forget to log out in one of the following ways.
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