Problem 1, the second line of the case statement
should have a radius, i.e. circle{x=x1,y=y1,radius=r}
Problem 2.4, the arguments to rectangle should be records,
not 4-tuples: G1.combine(G1.rectangle{xmin=3,ymin=y1,xmax=5,ymax=y2},G1.rectangle{xmin=5,ymin=y1,xmax=8,ymax=y2}) G1.rectangle{xmin=3,ymin=y1,xmax=8,ymax=y2}
Problem 6. Insert the words "apply expressions" into the first sentence,
so it reads,
Consider the subset "SubMinML" of MinML containing fun-expressions, apply expressions, and variables only; ...
Problem 3.5, paragraph 2, sentence 2. Change "whenever either f() or
g() terminates," to "whenever either f() or g() returns true,".
If f() returns false, then clearly any continued execution of g() is
necessary, not wasted.