Princeton University
Computer Science Dept.

Computer Science 441
Programming Languages

Andrew W. Appel

Fall 1999

General Information | Schedule and Readings | Assignments | Announcements


Latex sources

The Latex source for the final exam is now available, as a convenience for those who wish to do their solutions in Latex.

Corrections and clarifications to the final:

  1. Problem 1, the second line of the case statement should have a radius, i.e.
  2. Problem 2.4, the arguments to rectangle should be records, not 4-tuples:
  3. Problem 6. Insert the words "apply expressions" into the first sentence, so it reads,
    Consider the subset "SubMinML" of MinML containing fun-expressions, apply expressions, and variables only; ...
  4. Problem 3.5, paragraph 2, sentence 2. Change "whenever either f() or g() terminates," to "whenever either f() or g() returns true,". If f() returns false, then clearly any continued execution of g() is necessary, not wasted.

Take-home Final Exam has been available since 11:50 a.m. Friday, January 7th.

It will be due at 12:00 noon, Friday, January 14th. No extensions! After that time I will be away for a week, not checking my mail.

Problem set 10 is now available.

Old Announcements